chapter five

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The next morning you woke up with a loud noise.You had a headache and the loud noise just made it worse."Hi!!!Keep it down yoongi were trying to sleep over here!!"Namjoon held making you jump almost out of bed."Oh sorry y/n its yoongi he plays he's songs that he listens to very loudly,its sometimes annoying."Namjoon said looking at you while he's eyes widen." y/n you're're t-shirt..there's a little problem there."Namjoon said.You looked at him confused.You looked down at you're T-shirt and thats when you realized that you're boob was hanging out.You panicked and pulled you're shirt over you're boob."oh sh*t Namjoon I'm so so sorr..yyyy..hahahaha."You laughed thinking of it,what was wrong with you."Ok come one we need to get ready."You waited as Namjoon showerd  first and then you did you did you're morning routine and got dressed. You're outfit:

When you finished you putted on make-up:

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When you finished you putted on make-up:

"Hi Namjoon don't you guys have that interview tomorrow?"You asked,As Namjoon turned around he's mouth hanged open

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"Hi Namjoon don't you guys have that interview tomorrow?"You asked,As Namjoon turned around he's mouth hanged open."Um...Namjoon hello?don't you guys have that interview tomorrow?"He blinked and shook he's head fast."Yeah....yeah we do,why are you asking kitten."Namjoon asked looking at you while bitting he's bottom lip."Hello?Namjoon you guys up yet?"A voice asked."Yeah we are jimin."Namjoon answered back."Ok cool,listen just want to give you this important message,We are off for today we can rest so enjoy."Jimin said.Namjoon looked at you  smiling."Ok cool thanks jimin."As you and Namjoon heard footsteps leaving the door,Namjoon camed  closer to you with a smirk.You went back and then you realized you couldn't go back anymore cause you were against the wall."Oh kitten don't be scared,I won't bite."Namjoon was so close to you you're noises touched."So kitten what do you want to do?"Namjoon asked as he touched you're hips."What....what do you mean?"You asked softly.

"Oh kitten I'm off so we can do whatever you want to do."He whisperd into you're ear.You felt he's breath against you're skin as he's breath went down he started to kiss you're jawline gently and went down to you're neck to you're shoulders."So kitten give me an answer."He said while bitting he's lip."I...I,I,I ..."You tried to say but Namjoon made it so hard for you to speak.Namjoon suddenly let go of you and smirked."I'll see you soon kitten"Namjoon left the room,You're heart was pumping fast and blood was running.You thought it would be a good idea to go out but not let Namjoon see you.You snacked out and went in the elevator.Time skipped you eneterd the library and sat there for hours reading werewolf books when you didn't realized that it was dark.You looked up and saw it was night you ran out of the library and turned on you're phone,When you turned it on you saw that you missed 55 calls and got 366 messages from Namjoon."Shit Namjoon will be pissed."You're hart start to beat fast as you rembered Namjoons warning you quickly search for you're car keys when you felt someone behind you."What's a pretty girl like you doing alone in the middle of the night?"A man asked.You tried to kick loose but before you new it,something terrible happend to you.

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