chapter ten

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You woke up with a lump in you're throat you missed Namjoon holding you at night.You did you're morning routine and got dressed.You're outfit for today:

As you finished and putted on some make-up:

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As you finished and putted on some make-up:

As you finished and putted on some make-up:

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Hi sweetie Namjoons on the phone."Youre mom said.You ran down the stairs and grabbed youre phone really quick.
"Hi Namjoon,What's up."You smiled."Hi kitten look we are gonna be very busy today so I can't come tonight."He's voice was stressful."Yeah no sure I understand its cool don't stress."You said with a sad smile."Hey thanks for understanding ok I gotta go bye love you kitten."You smiled as you felt him smiling to."I love you too bye Namjoon"Namjoon ended the call.You turned around and saw you're mom staring at you."Look sweetie moms gonna go too work do have money?"You're mom asked while giving you a smile."Yes I have but thanks for asking I'll see what I can do to keep me busy."You gave you're mom a smile.You're mom went out the door.You went upstairs and tooked  you're purse.Ok let's see maybe I can go to the park and get a hotdog and some coke while I write in my dairy. Time past you enters the park and looked for a nice table,You're mouth hanged open with shock when you saw Junkook sitting and watching a video.You ran to the table."Hi!Junkook!"You said running. You sitted next to him.He looked at you and smiled."So I thought you guys were very very busy today?"You asked looking him with a serious face."Oh no just Namjoon he's very very busy today."He said looking into you're eyes."Oh so aren't you afraid fans will see you?"You asked curiously as you took a bite of you're hotdog."I can see why Namjoon likes you."He said smiling."And why do you say that?"You asked smiling.
"You're very beautiful."He said while blushing."Thanks Junkook that's really sweet of you to say."You and Junkook talked for hours until you're mom called and said you should come home.You did go home after saying goodbye to Junkook.You felt so  awful and horrible without seeing Namjoon but junkook made you feel so much better.You did you're night routine and got dressed.You went straight to bed,just so this day can get over.  

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