You Scared This Shit Out Of Me

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Chapter 10


"It was a drunk driver, I'm surprise the drunk driver didn't die. But the the passenger in the victims car is in critical condition."

The dialogue that awakens me from my sleep. My eyes bolt open.
I try to get up. "Sir, that's not a good idea. You are probably gonna be sore"

"Where's Tris?" I say ignoring her and still getting up.

"You mean the other person who was In the car with you?" I nod.

"She's in a coma" she says slowly and steady.

I feel like scything has crushed inside. "Is she gonna wake up?" I question.

"Yes certainly, the maximum day she'll be in a coma is about 7 daya It's possible she could wake up today."

"What exactly happen?" I say.

"We'll we know it for sure wasn't your fault. But a drunk driver went into the passenger side of you car"

She pauses "Tris her name is right"

I nod. "We'll Tris, got her right arm broken and the impact was really hard on her so she got a few stitches on her forehead." The nurse informs me.

"And for you, you have a broken wrist. Your very lucky" she says to me.

"I don't car about me. I want to see Tris. Can I see her?" I question or really demand.

"We'll according to the rules no, but I will bring you for about 10 minutes okay?" She questions.

I nod my head. "I'll go get a wheelchair" she says walking out of the door.

"I'm fine" I say.

"I know but we will look less suspicious."

I smile and she goes to get the wheel chair.


We walk into her room. I get up immediately. I sit down in the chair directly next to her.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes" the nurse says quietly. I nod.

I look at her scratches on her face. She has 3 stitches on the top left of her forehead, but her hair covers it mostly. She has a purple cast on her
Right arm.

She's a little paler then usually, but still amazingly beautiful.

I forgot that I had one on my wrist.
It's Dark blue.

I look back to Tris. "I am so sorry Tris, this is all my fault." I start to cry.

I open my eyes to look at her beautiful face. I see her eye twitch.
She starts coughing really hard.

I'm on adrenaline that she is awake.
"Do you need water?" I question frantically. She nods while still coughing.

I get her water. She chugs it.
"Thank" she breaths in "you"

"No problem, I'm glad your awake Tris." I smile with a few tears of joy.

"Umm thanks, but who are you"
She question nervously.

Everything inside of me crashes.
I don't remember the doctor saying anything about memory loss.

She then starts to laugh.
"What's so funny?" I question. Really about to cry.

"I remember you Tobias." She gets out while laughing.

"you scared the shit out of me Beatrice" she frowns at me. with me saying her real name.

"C'mon Tris it's a BEAtifiul name"
I am the one laughing.

"Oh shut up and kiss me" she demands.

And that's what I did. Until the nurse came in. "Oh my your awake!" She says.

The nurse looks at both of us. And smiles. "C'mon Tobias we have to go back to your room, while they check Tris"

Tris kisses my once more and says
"I love You Tobias"

"I love you to. I respond
And I hear the Nurse go "aww"

I go back to my room waiting for the next thing to happen.

Sorry if there's any errors this wasn't updated

That was my first time writing in Tobias's pov, sorry if it sucked.

I'm home finally. I had a really nice vacation but I'm happy to be home.


What state do you guys live in? Write in the comments😋☺️💕🎉

Till next timeོོོོོོོོོོོོོོ

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