Dr. Seokjin- Part 7

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I was shocked at his response.
I thought I was going to have a panic attack. Yet remembering he is next to me and willing to make such a statement made me fall even more in love.

I put my hand to my mouth and start to have tears in my eyes.
He looks at me with joy as I nod my head interpreting yes that I accept his offer.

He wraps me in his arms as I embrace him to. Now I was crying from joy and excitement.

He was about to fled with tears as well but said to not cry because everything is good and nothing will go wrong.

He left to his other patients and my parents came in. They told me they approved of him and that they are greatful he was in my life.

I was on Cloud 9. I was everywhere but not near hell.


Sorry for the short chapter.

I'll try my best to update this one more but I really am putting all my work in to 'which one?' Another of my stories.

I promise to bring this one up and have a better chapter next.

Thank you 💖

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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