How to get free Ambrose's POV chapters

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I know that many of you may already know that Sir Rob wrote some Ambrose Chapters. And I know that a lot of us don't really have the money to shell out that much money on I books or Amazon or wherever. I mean buying the entire series in paperback is expensive especially because we're used to it being free on wattpad!

Amazon: Around $45 for the three books right now

I books: Around $12 for the whole set of three

Kindle: Around $13 for the trio

While the digital versions sound fine and all but if you're just buying the copies just to read the chapters from Ambrose's point of view that's silly. I used to do that but then I realized that I could just get them for free. If you already do this then I congratulate you.

Step 1: Get a Radish account and look for Sir Rob or the S&S series

Step 2: Your account should come with free coins I believe (I made my account a while ago so I don't know how it is now)

Step 3: At the bottom of each published book tab thingy there should be one or two chapters written in Mr. Ambrose's POV.

Step 4: Buy the chapters with the free coins and while you won't have enough to buy all of them look at step 5

Step 5: Check back once in a while for free coin events. 

Step 6: Get free coins and cackle gleefully

Step 7: Read the chapters and learn what's going on in that man's mind!

This method will take a while and some readers choose to open several accounts in order to maximize coin intake. 

Using this method I saved up 17 coins! I expect a couple more as there is a free coin event going on right now that you all should check out! I hope that for some new readers out there and some old that maybe this may have helped you out a little ...

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Using this method I saved up 17 coins! I expect a couple more as there is a free coin event going on right now that you all should check out! I hope that for some new readers out there and some old that maybe this may have helped you out a little bit! And remember that patience is key!

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