Chapter 12

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Harry's Pov

Louis had left for work. He had instructed me all about tonight. Am sure it was gonna be something very important and special. Me and Niall cleaned the house made special dinner, laid beautiful kitchen settings and got dressed. We were all set for the night. The dresses our fiance picked out for us were amazing. We were supposed to be at our best behavior. So we again checked everything in the house if it's at its correct place or not. Just then the door bell rang. Niall opened the door. Zayn n Louis came in along with two middle aged women.
Zayn introduced the ladies. This is trisha my mother and your future mother in law he pointed to niall. This is johanna my mother and your future mom in law Louis said looking at me. I nodded and greeted my mom in law with a smile, niall did the same.

Johannas Pov

I loved my son's choice. Harry was really charming and cute. I knew he would suffice all my son's needs. Just Louis has to control his temper. We all sat down for dinner. Niall and Harry were serving us. I told them to sit with us but they remained silent. Just then Louis spoke.. Mum they are supposed to learn as they are going to be our husband's soon. Hence they are not allowed to sit with us. I have fired all the maids so that these boys can learn all the chores. But Louis they are still young let them do what they want. I said to him. Mom please it's mine n zayns decision. He reacted. I changed the subject to the wedding plans. I have already selected rings for you.The wedding suits will be ready by tomorrow. The lobby is booked and the minister too. And most importantly your honeymoon tickets.  I want many grandchildren to play with. Harry blushed in the shade of red. So Louis and harry your going to Paris and Zayn and Niall your going to Barbados. I could see niall hiding his face trying to hide his smile. We spoke about the wedding all throughout  dinner. Just before leaving i hugged my son and future son in law and gave them best wishes for their future.

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