Chapter 3

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Niall's Pov

1 week passed for our relationship.. And somehow my parents got to know about my homosexuality.. They threw me out and so did Harry's parents. Zayn and Louis offered us to stay with them. They were the best boyfriend's ever. Sweet, caring and loving. Me and harry moved in to the Malik- Tomlinson mansion. As we entered the mansion Lea one of the house maids directed us to our respective rooms. The mansion was huge and magnificent.

Me and harry laid our stuff into our respective rooms and waited for zayn and Louis to come home

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Me and harry laid our stuff into our respective rooms and waited for zayn and Louis to come home. Till then we were watching tv. After sometime the front door flew open revealing zayn and Louis.

Louis Pov

As we entered our mansion we saw Harry and Niall watching TV in the hall. I kept my briefcase aside n went and kissed Harry. God his lips were so sweet and juicy. I picked him up to my room. Am going to explain him some rules about being my submissive boyfriend. I laid him down on the bed and handed him a sheet of paper which had some rules written on it.

Rule 1: Always obey me.

Rule 2: Never raise your voice at me.

Rule 3: Don't leave the house without my permission.

Rule 4: No talking to any other guy.

Rule 5: You will wear clothes which i pick out for you.

Rule 6: You will never ask questions about the decisions i have made for you.

Rule 7: You will clean the house and keep it neat.

Rule 8: You will do as i say.

Note : If any of the above rules are broken the punishment will be extremely tortuous.

Territorial Love! Completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant