Chapter 11

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One week later...

I wake up to my alarm, I walk over to Will's bed and wake him up. We do the with the rest of our squad. We head over to the mess hall and get some stuff to eat.

When we are done we go to the armoury and get our gear. Then we head out to meet the squad we will be with for briefing.

We find the squad and we go to the briefing room. The commander greets us and starts to brief us on our mission.

"We have been scouting the front lines and we have found a unprotected town in which we need you to scout. After that we will need you to move east until you hit another town and if it is clear we will move in a large amount of soldiers and tanks so we can surround a large amount of German troops. At 0'1200 today you will be airlifted over to that town. If you do encounter any enemy soldiers you are to kill them. But most importantly you can't be detected so only kill if you need to."

We all walk out of the room and go over to the helipad. We are taking off in fifteen minutes so we sit down and prepare for our mission.

Finally it's time for us to leave, we all get into the helicopter and take off.

The ride was about two hours and when we finally landed we got off and huddled around a map. We looked over where we were going and headed on towards our objective.

There wasn't much going on in the towns we passed, every now and then we would have to jump into cover to avoid being seen by enemy patrols.

Finally as we stopped to rest on the top of a hill we walked up, we could see our objective it was about 15 kilometers away. We took a break to drink and have some food while we talked about our past. But my mind wasn't in the conversation, all I could think about is what would happen if they get caught.

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