Chapter 9

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Someone turns the corner and in an instant he is hit with a barrage of bullets. I looked at the man while I shot my gun. I could barley look at the man while his body got ripped to shreds by the bullets. But in less then a second it was over.

I quickly regained control of my self and I did my job.

I started to give commands "Will throw a grenade around that corner, and Tom you need to call in and tell them that we are gonna pull back.".

They replied "Ok." In unison.

I watched as Will took out a grenade and threw it around the corner. About a second later the screams came as a deafening noise came from around the corner.

Just to be sure we don't get shot I walk over to the corner throw another grenade, get behind cover let it go off and I peek around the corner. I can't explain how bad the carnage was. There were legs and arms thrown around and the people are just piles of flesh there was one still moving. I'm not a cruel person so I shot him in the head to put him out of his misery.

I hear more yelling in the distance so I yell at my squad to get moving, we run as fast as we can and we get to the evacuation point. We put down the wounded man a get behind cover in case we get attacked.

We called in again to see how long we had to wait and the said that it would be thirty more minutes so we just sat and waited. Ten minutes later I hear something land to my left, I turn to it and scramble it was a grenade.

I knew I only had seconds so I dove over to it picked it up and threw as hard as I could a second after it exploded. I could hear the shrapnel landing around me as I hid behind a wall.

I quickly started yelling "Everyone set up your position facing that way and be ready to shoot. Don't move we stay in our spots and when evacuation comes two of you help get him in the others cover. ".

A minute later chaos broke out I turned back at Will to say something when his arm got hit by a bullet and sprayed blood. I was so angry at this I jumped out from my cover and sprayed my gun clip empty, took out my pistol fired it into the crowd of Germans then threw three grenades and listened to the screams with a smile on my face.

We were in the fire fight for five more minutes before I heard a helicopter come from behind us then I heard the machine gun. I watched as every German got destroyed by the gun.

Finally the helicopter landed and the other squad loaded on then I grabbed Will and we loaded on the helicopter took of and we started flying back to the base.

Hey everyone I hope my frequent updating has been pleasing. I have been enjoying the writing. I'm open to any tips and do you think about Henry enjoying the Germans getting killed?

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