Chapter 3

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As I step out of the airport, I look around for a taxi. I notice one sitting across the road to my left. I get in and tell the driver where to go and we start driving. It is about 45 minutes later he comes to a halt outside of an amazing hotel.

When I walk in I go up to the front desk and tell them who I am. They hand me a key and a piece of paper with my room number on it. As I walk into my room I instantly notice the size of it, the room huge in comparison to rooms I have had before.

It is only about two hours until someone knocks on my door. When I answer, there is a man holding a note for me and I take it. I ask what it is and the man says, "It is your instructions for tomorrow." The man leaves and I open the letter.

The letter says "You are to begin training tomorrow at twelve in the afternoon. The address is 15 Halden Street, San Diego. Your training will consist of shooting, physical training and technology training. 

Also, If you are late you will be kicked out immediately."

I go to my bedroom and get ready for bed. It is only nine o'clock but I need my rest for the long and hard day tomorrow. As I lay in bed trying to sleep I think about the danger that lay in my path ahead if I make it to the war.

I wake up and look at the clock, which reads: 8 am. I slowly get up and go to the lobby where they have set up a buffet.

I pick some eggs and toast. I think that is probably a good choice for this special day. When I finish breakfast I go back to my room where I read until eleven.

I look over at the clock and I noticed that it was time to go so I go outside and hail a taxi. I give the driver the address and we go. Thirty minutes later I get to the base, I pay the driver and get out. I start walking to the base when a guard asks me why I am here I tell him and he takes me to where I need to be.

I am now in a big room with about 200 other people. I see a well decorated soldier step up on the stage and turns on the microphone and starts speaking.

~Another thanks to @_maykenzie for helping me with this book.

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