Chapter 17

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"That's like the tenth call you've ignored since I got here."

"Thanks for that observation Josh." I snapped. My eyes shot up to him and he instantly threw his hands up in mock surrender.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to--"

"AH!!" Cami's scream cut straight through Josh's voice and filled the whole room. "Oh god it hurts!"

"I'm sorry Cami. Its the only way to break off Klaus' compulsion." Davina's words did little to reassure me and I tried once again to get closer to them, only to hit an invisible wall once again.

"Believe me, I know what it's like. You're okay, and hey, all these notes that you made, it's very momento of you. Nice work." I smiled a little at how optimistic Josh was and instantly regretted snapping at him earlier. However, my attention was brought right back to Cami's groaning on the floor.

"Davina please. Just let me hold her hand." Davina glanced up from her crouched position in front of Cami's sweaty and worn out body. 

"You've kept me here all night. Please, I need to comfort my sister." I was begging now. I couldn't stand to hear another scream come from Cami's throat and not be able to comfort her when she needs me. Davina finally nodded and dropped whatever spell she had to keep me put. I immediately ran to Cami and dropped down beside her on the floor. I held her to my chest and allowed her to relax against me.

"We've been at this all night. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't understand any of this." Cami mumbled into my shirt. I pulled her closer and swallowed thickly.

"But you will." I promised her. She lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I could see the fear, pain and determination shine through.

"I will unlock every stolen memory, undo every piece of mind control that any vampire has ever done to you." Davina's voice cut through and stole Cami's attention. "When I am done, you will understand all of it and you'll be free."

"I can stop if you want me to." Davina's suggestion made me shake my head. It was selfish of me to do so but if she did stop, Cami would leave and I couldn't lose her.

"No. Don't stop." Cami sat up straighter and looked Davina head on. "I want to remember everything."


"How much longer?" I questioned Davina. She dropped to her knees in front of Cami and I, and put a hand on Cami's shoulder.

"You should start to feel it, like a weight lifting." Davina's words made me sigh in relief. I looked down to Cami and noticed she wasn't breathing so hard anymore but instead was concentrating on something else.

"And your cheat sheets are about to make a lot more sense." Josh bent over and placed the folder in front of us only to pull away when his hand started to burn in the sun. "Ah!"

"I promise, as soon as the world stops hunting me, I will find the day light ring spell." Davina promised.

"I know. Just don't worry about that right now." Josh nodded toward Cami, who I've just noticed grabbed ahold of a paper.

"I remember why I wrote this." Cami whispered. " I found a picture of Klaus and Marcel from 1919."

Cami looked up in concentration and slowly rose until she was able to sit on the coffee table.

"Klaus compelled me to go out with Marcel to spy on him. That's what he said yesterday before he told me to forget." She looked up at Davina with tears in her eyes. "I'm remembering."

I squeezed my eyes shut and breathed a sigh of relief that we were finally progressing and Cami was almost done with all of the pain.

"Let's take you back more." Davina made her way to Cami and sat next to her on the coffee table. We all waited for Cami's consent. As soon as she nodded, Davina placed her hands on Cami's temples and concentrated. I turned away and squeezed my eyes and hands shut. I could already hear her trying her hardest not to scream in pain but all of a sudden it got quiet.

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