Thomas opened the door for him, winking dramatically and waving at the seat. "Gotta open car doors for cute boys right?"

     Newt was blushing again and Thomas wanted to kiss every inch of his face.

     Newt pulled his chair close to the car and hopped into the seat, buckling himself in.

     Thomas figured out how to close the wheelchair and placed it carefully in the trunk. He got into the driver's seat and started the car.

     "Alright where to?"

    Newt shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair.

    Thomas smiled softly. "We can drive until we decide on a place to go."

     Newt ducked his head again, mumbling softly. "You make me so fucking nervous Tommy."

     Thomas shifted the car into drive and then put his hand out in Newt's direction. "I have an idea. Gimmie your hand."

     Newt looked startled for a moment, then got the idea and softly slid their palms together.
Thomas smiled and interlocked their fingers as he looked at the blonde boy. "Relax a bit okay? I promise everything is going fine."

Newt nodded shortly as Thomas ran his thumb along Newt's and started to drive.

"Wanna go to Tim Hortons?"

Newt's face light up, it made his heart pound. "Yeah."

Thomas turned right, in the direction of the store and hummed softly to the radio. Newt's hand was smaller than his but his skin was soft and their hands fit almost perfectly. It was all like some sort of cheesy romance novel, but Thomas loved it.

They finally got to the parking lot and, with slight difficulty, got Newt's wheelchair out of the trunk. They sat at a table in the corner, two hot chocolates on their table between them. Newt had his hands wrapped around his cup, he looked so utterly adorable Thomas wanted to stare at him forever.


"Why'd you get mad at me after the party?" Thomas asked as Newt wiped whipped cream off his lip with his sleeve.

He let out a breath and shook his head. "It was stupid, but you said it didn't mean anything to you. That just kinda hurt because it meant everything to me."

"I was trying to be cool."

Newt snorted out a laugh and quickly covered his mouth. "You we're trying to be cool by insulting me?"

"No! Well yes, but no. I tried to play it off."

Newt raised his eyebrow, a slightly amused expression on his face. Newt definitely was calmer now, it was great. "It was a nice kiss."

Thomas felt the heat pooling back in his stomach again. Suddenly he felt an overwhelming want for the boy. He wanted to take him on dates, hold his hand, kiss him good morning and send him stupid goodnight texts. His eyes flicked up to Newt's and Thomas mouth was moving before his brain could process what he was saying. "Do you wanna come over after the party? My parents won't be there, it's date night for them."

Newts face scrunched in adorable confusion then melted into one completely revealing that he was uncomfortable. "I uh, it's hard to..." His face was bright red and the blush was back to crawling across his neck. "I haven't ever like..." Newt trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.

Thomas groaned and dropped his face into his hands. "That came out so wrong oh my god." Thomas let out an awkward laugh and lifted his head again. "I didn't mean it that way. We could leave the party early and go back to my house and watch some marvel movies on the couch, or that other one you were telling me about. I'm not gonna like try anything."

anon // newtmas auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat