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Next day i woke up next to him

damn I loved this.

I slipped out of his hands as he slightly moved

I got up and got ready for the day, then went downstairs in the kitchen

Mom: hey sweetheart
Mary: hey mom.. uhh i would like to talk to you about something
Mom: yeah?
Mary: so Logan is moving to LA and he wants me to go with him..
Mom: LA?! Honey that's across the country?! You can't do that, plus didn't you plan on going to college?

And here we go again........

Mary: I did, but I really want to spend time with Logan and see him
Mom: I don't know Mary.. You're just seventeen, don't want to be rude or anything, but I don't believe you can trust him a lot.. You're both only kids

Oh no she did not.

Mary: that are in love mom and I can trust him.
Mom: okay okay, it's your choice. I'm going to talk to your father later and then we'll discuss wether you're going or not.
Mary: okay thanks, and please mom. It would be a dream-come-true if I could go
Mom: I know.. I'll see what I can do
Mary: I'll be upstairs then. bye

I went back upstairs in my room

As I walked in Logan was all awake on his phone

Logan: hey cutie

I smiled as I closed the door and jumped on the bed next to him

I grabbed his phone and threw it on the other side of the bed, as he just looked at me with a huge smile

Mary: why are you smiling?
Logan: because you're so beautiful.
Mary: bro I look like a mess
Logan: don't call me bro, I feel like you friendzoned me

I laughed

Mary: maybe I did, who knows..

I smiled playfully and he pulled me closer to his body

Mary: I'm heading to the shower
Logan: oh okay, could I jo-
Mary: No. you're going after me

He smiled as I got up and went into the bathroom

Logan: I'll join you don't worry, you won't even notice me!
Mary: oh just try!

God I loved this dude

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