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Pam: oh dear Logan! I was so worried
Logan: don't worry ma! I was at Mary's
Jake: see mom, they probably smashed too!
Mary: excuse me?!
Pam: Jake go to your room now!

Jake goes off

Logan: imma go get my stuff

He goes off too

Pam: so what's your name?
Mary: I'm Mary
Pam: oh gorgeous, so you and Logan are dating?
Mary: no, we're good friends
Pam: oh okay, whatever you say
Logan comes back
Logan: okay bye mom
Pam: bye

We go to his car

Logan: what did she ask you?
Mary: are we dating
Logan: what did you say?
Mary: the truth, we aren't
Logan: well we should..

I laugh

Logan: I mean it serious
Mary: Logan.. You know why we can't be together
Logan: dammit. Mike.
Mary: let's go

We drive to the pool. As we came there were a lot of people there(not so much). We find a spot

Logan: I like it here

I wanted to tan so I lay down on my stomach and undid my top. A lot of dudes where staring at my butt, but I didn't care. Logan was swimming

Logan's POV:
I was swimming. I see Mary tanning, but then I look around and every dude was checking her out. I got so mad. I get out of the pool and go to her

Mary's POV:
Logan comes up to me, he ties my top and puts a towel on my butt

Mary: what the fuck are you doing
Logan: I'm protecting you
Mary: from what?
Logan: from everybody checking you out, cmon let's go swimming
Mary: god, Logan..

We go in and play around. Logan was randomly grabbing my butt underwater

Mary: stop doing that
Logan: what?
Mary: grabbing my butt!
Logan: I'm not doing that..

I freak out, I thought someone else did that. I jump on Logan and he lifts me up

Logan: jk, I was that

He grabs it again. I slap him(not too hard, but still annoyed). He smirks

Mary: what would you feel like if I was grabbing you dick the whole time

Logan: I wouldn't mind😂
Mary: just what I thought

I try to swim away but he pulls me in a hug

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