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Logan: let's call Rina and Josh rn, I want to see their reaction
Mary: yeah!

I pull out my phone and call Rina first

Rina: hi!
Mary: hi, so i'm here with Logan
Logan: hi!
Rina: oh hi Logan! What are you love birds doing
Mary: we are at the Burger King, but that's not the point. Logan has a suprise for us, i already know it
Rina: its for me too?
Logan: and Josh
Rina: no.
Mary: why?
Rina: Josh and I aren't good anymore. We just don't get along
Mary: oh..

I look over to Logan and give him the "what should we do" look

Logan: but we didn't told him yet, so you can still choose
Rina: would there be a problem if Daniel comes with me?
Logan: of course not
Mary: he's nice too!

Logan looks at me in a jealous way and i just push him playfully

Mary: okay then, we'll talk to you later!
Rina: bye

I hang up

Logan: so he's nice?
Mary: let it go

I get up

Mary: cmon let's go, we can't stay here forever

We go out and get in his car. Then i call Daniel

Logan: you have his phonenumber?
Mary: he texted me once..
Logan: i need to see-
Mary: shh!
Dan: Hi Mary!
Mary: hey Daniel! I'm here with Logan, so he has a little suprise for us
Daniel: okay?
Logan: i booked us a house, we asked Rina, she's coming and she wanted you to come with her too
Daniel: so us four in one house?
Mary: yeah
Daniel: oh its about to get crazy
Logan: so you're down?
Daniel: ofc!
Mary: awesome! I'll text you the details later, but bye for now!
Daniel: bye

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