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Mary's POV:
I ate my ice cream. I look over to Logan and he didn't finish his. I go over and lick it

Logan: hey! That's mine
Mary: I'm hungry 😂
Logan: when are you not hungry
Mary: never.

I take a big bite

Logan: there goes my ice cream.
Mary: and there goes my diet

We laugh. I take over his whole ice cream. I kinda felt bad, but I see that he didn't mind..

Logan: you ate my whole ice cream. I need to kiss you to taste it again
Mary: what an excuse😂

We go outside. It was already dark

Mary: damn its cold.
Logan: here u go

He takes his jacket off and puts it on me

Mary: thanks
Logan: no thanks. I only take awards.

I kiss him on the cheek

Mary: here you go
Logan: it was short, but cute
Mary: and enough
Logan: no.
Mary: you want more?
Logan: I always want more

I kiss him on the lips and he kisses back. After few seconds I pull back

Logan: why are you always breaking this
Mary: bc we can't make out Logan.. We're friends. I'm trying to hold the limit
Logan: well fuck that.

I laugh

Logan: its ruining the vibe.. I mean I want to make out with you soo hard. But you're just making me want more
Mary: well that's what I want
Logan: well I don't like it. Just please. One time
Mary: uhh
Logan: ik you like ittt!

I kiss him and he kisses back. He puts his hands around my waist and I hug him around the neck.. We make out for a bit

Mary: those were some awards for the future
Logan: how do you know I'll be good in the future for the awards?

I give him the "what!?" look and he laughs

Logan: I'm kidding cutie😂
Mary: thank god..

He gives me a kiss on the cheek, then drives me home. I come in my house

Dad: well, well, well, look who decided to come home
Mary: dad let it go
Dad: Mary what's wrong with you?
Mary: its been 2 years dad, I changed, people change!
Dad: Mary we need to talk
Mary: I don't want to. Gn

I go upstairs in my room and go to sleep

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