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In the lunch break i was sitting with Rina, when Josh came up to her

Josh: hey Mary, Rina can i talk to you for a sec
Rina: why?
Josh: about homecoming
Rina: i already have a partner
Josh: yeah thats why i want to talk
Rina: well i don't want to

He grabs her hand

Mary: let her go

He trys to pull her away when Logan came in and pushed him

Logan: are you good bro!? Calm down! Are you trying to get arrested!?
Josh: i wanted to talk to her
Logan: well if she doesn't want to talk then leave her alone.

He goes off

Logan: are you alright?
Rina: yeah, thanks
Logan: no its fine, he's been in a shitty mood lately, so don't mind him

I hug her

Mary: its gonna be okay, Daniel is better
for you

I look over to Logan and smile. I was so proud of my baby. After lunch i went to spanish class with Logan. We sat down at the table, at the corner of my eye i see Sonja sitting behind us

Mary: thanks for protecting Rina
Logan: i'll do everything for people you care about
Mary: why are you so fucking perfect

I kiss him

Sonja: and why are you two so fucking cringe and annoying
Logan: then sit somewhere else, or just don't look at us.
Sonja: whateverr.

Logan looks back to me and smiles. We kiss again. After school Logan drives me home

Mary: hey come in, i want to read all these reasons with you
Logan: okay

We go in my house

Dad: hey

He sees Logan

Dad: oh Logan! Hey
Logan: hi mr.(yourlastname)
Dad: what are you doing kids?
Mary: we're gonna chill in my room, bye now

I grab Logans hand and pull him up to my room. We both sat on the bed and i opened the box

Logan: there are lots of hearts
Mary: and i'm so excited

I gave him a huge smile, causing him to laugh

Logan: oh god, i love you so fucking much

He pulls me into a hug

I pull out one heart and start reading:

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