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Mary's POV:
I turn around, but I couldn't sleep. Logan puts his hand around me

Mary: so you aren't sleeping
Logan: I can't, you?
Mary: I don't feel tired
Logan: do you wanna talk?
Mary: aren't we doing that already?

We laugh. Jake knocks on the door

Logan: don't come in

Jake opens the door

Logan: I said don't come in
Jake: what the hell are u guys doing? Its like 1 am
Logan: I better ask you what the fuck are you doing?
Jake: are u tryin to smash?
Mary: excuse me?
Logan: Jake get the fuck out!

Logan gets up and pushes him out of the room, then locks the door. While he was standing there in his shorts, shirtless, I kinda felt butterflies in my stomach. He jumps back in

Mary: wow your brother is a dick
Logan: ik, I told him to stay away form you. He's just annoying
Mary: well imma go sleep rn
Logan: me too

We fall asleep. In the morning I hear an alarm

Logan: hey
Mary: hey, I just realized that I don't have a toothbrush, do you have a spare one?
Logan: yeah I have one

We get up and go in his bathroom, he hands me the toothbrush. We brush our teeth. He and Jake were sharing a bathroom so when Jake came in, I immediately get out.Me and Logan go back to his room

Logan: I can give u my hoodie if you don't have nothing to wear
Mary: yes please

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