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Logans POV:
I woke up. I turn around to Mary, she was asleep. I took a moment to just look at her beautiful face, then i slowly kissed her on the cheeks, multipule times. She opens her beautiful eyes, who were sparkiling like diamonds.. Damn, she was so beautiful..

Mary's POV:
Again, i felt someone kissing me. I open my eyes, it's Logan, of course.

Logan: gm beutiful
Mary: gm Logan
Logan: do i bother you with this?
Mary: heck no.. just move on babyy..

He starts kissing my neck

Logan: i can't resist just looking at you without kissing you
Mary: it's fine, I enjoy it anyways

I smile and he smirks. I get up brush my teeh and put some clothes on

Mary: Logan we need to be productive today
Logan: where should we go?
Mary: idk
Logan: I got it! We should go on that big field, where we first went!
Mary: yess!
Logan: we can get a frisbee if you want
Mary: sure, i'm gonna bring us snacks
Logan: don't forget to bring a blanket
Mary: why tf would you need a blanket?
Logan: you never know where could we smash

He laughs, i look at him and laugh too

Mary: literally the only thing you care about is that
Logan: everyone has something important, so do I
we laugh again. We got ready and then we headed to the store. We found a frisbee section

Logan: which one should we get?
Mary: don't ask me

He picks out one and we end up buying it. We drove about 15 minutes until we arrived at the field. I jump out of the car and take a deep breath of a fresh air
Logan: ugh, some good memories happened here
Mary: ik
Logan: well let's make some more!

He takes my hand and pulls me into the grass. I was kinda trying to run away, but he was way stronger than him. One time he pulled me close and kissed me. It was so sweet I think i'll never forget it. I don't even know why did we buy a frisbee, if the most of the time Logan was using me as one(lol not literally😂)

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