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Mary: Dad. Leave me alone, or i'm never coming back again.
Dad: ugh. We're gonna talk when you come back home
Mary: i'm not. Now go away you're only embarresing yourself.

I go back in Logan's room, my eyes were already full of tears. As i came in Logan saw me, he knew what's up. He spreads his hands and i just jump in. He hugs me, tightly.

Logan's POV:
I hear her and her dad talking. I got up and got dressed. Damn. He's really overprotective.. I hear her walking upstairs, when she came in the room, i saw she was about to cry. I spread my arms and hug her. I want her to feel safe. She puts her head down on my chest, I can feel her tears just going down my chest.. I never want to let her go. Few seconds later she calms down. I look down at her and give her a little smile

Logan: hey, he's gonna be alright. Don't worry..

She looks up to me and gives me a serious face

Mary: i wanna run away with you.

I laugh bc it was abviously a joke, but as i looked at her again, she wasn't joking

Logan: you seriously wanna do that
Mary: yeah, what did you mean. i'm sick of this life, i hate school, my family, everything.. You're the only one who cares about me Logan. If you weren't here, i would fucking kill myself.
Logan: hey, hey, hey.. Don't say that. Your dad really cares about you and he's being like this bc he loves you.. And he doesn't want a jerk, to treat you like shit. Your mom also loves you, Rina cares about you too. there's so many people that love you Mary, you're important. Everyone is.
Mary: yeah.. you're right
Logan: why is this always happening?
Mary: what?
Logan: well this.after every perfect day with you,there's always someone to fuck it up
Mary: well,my life is pretty much fucked up so I'm used to it..
Logan:what am i going to do with you..
Mary: just love me, you're the only one who understands me now
Logan:i will

He kisses me on my forhead and puts his hands around me while i was sitting on his lap

Logan:hey do you want to go somewhere today?
Mary:umm can we go to the cinema?
Logan:great idea,should we watch a horror movie?
Mary:i'm down
Logan: sure you won't get scared
Mary:100% sure
Mary:can you drive me home and then you can pick me up tonight?

Just FriendsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora