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Skip to Monday

I turn off my alarm and get ready for school. Few minutes later Mike picks me up and we drive to school. As I was walking through the hallway with Mike, I notice Logan talking to another girl. As soon as he sees me he runs up to us

Mike: my boy!
Logan: hey!

They do they handshake

Logan: Mary you left your earring in my car..

He hands it to me

Mary: thanks, I didn't even notice
Mike: you were in his car?
Logan: well someone had to drive her home.. Btw you need to stop being so jealous man, I'm your best friend. You act like me and Mary do something behind your back..
He looks at me

Mike: yeah you're right..

I go off to Rina

Mary: did you saw that!?
Rina: he's so into you!
Mary: which is not so good..
Rina: yeah, it's a pretty fucked up situation for you..
Mary: ik.. But I really feel like Mike doesn't care anymore..
Rina: he does.. He wouldn't been so jealous
Mary: yeah..

We talked for a bit and then I go to Spanish class, as I go in I see Logan sitting on his own. I go over to him

Mary: is this seat free?
Logan: for you, yes
Mary: thanks
Logan: you enjoy Spanish too?
Mary: actually I only come here bc we usually don't do anything and the teacher is dope
Logan: same

The class starts. We watched some kind of romantic Spanish movie. In middle of that Logan whispers in my ear

Logan: hey, did you kiss me because you were drunk or 'cause you meant it?

I smile and whisper back

Mary: I do not drink. Figure that on your own

I smile and continue watching the movie. After school I go to my singing practice, Rina was always there bc she was always bored, but this time Mike and his crew come too

Teacher: um excuse me?
Mike: we are just a moral support for Mary
Teacher: I do not care, just be quiet

I start singing and pretty much all the boys were impressed. After my practice we all go to this cafe and get a drink

Logan: that was impressive!
Mary: thanks
Mike: yeah you were incredible babe
Mary: aw ty

I kiss him, I see how Logan stares at us, oh he's jealous. Rina gives me the look that she wants to go home, bc Markus is flirting with her and she does not like it!

Mary: oh Rina the project!
Rina: yeah we need to make it!
Mary: we need to go
Mike: I wanna stay babe..
Logan: I can drive her home
Mike: but..

I kiss him

Mary: bye everyone!
Me, Logan and Rina go out of the cafe
Rina: well I have my own car so imma go
Mary: bye
Logan drives me home
Logan: am I gonna see you tomorrow at Spanish again?
Mary: yes you will, you are not blind

He laughs

Mary: okay bye then

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