Chapter 15

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"We already have eye contact" Worf reported from his post.

"On screen!" asked Riker.

The image of Siegfried appeared, seen from behind, while the stars passed like beams of light around it. The Lt. Commander recognized the Terran standard ship, despite never having seen anything like that. The three-shaped nacelles, inverted as a "Y", belong to any class of unknown ships.

"The unknown starship raised its shields" said the Klingon. "I doubted that a small device like that could have destroyed the four Birds of Prey and stay without any apparent damage."

"Open communication channel" Riker asked, then changed his tone: "Unknown starship, here speaks the Lt. Commander of USS Enterprise. I ask you to identify yourself."

Nothing happened for a moment, until the lieutenant, half scared, said:

"Sir, the ship is leaving the warp speed."

"Perfect! Do the same and try to stay beside her... Mr Worf?

"No contact... But I'm capturing the progressive increase in a strange form of energy around the ship."

"Shields up!" Riker said.

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