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Third Person POV:

Yuna and Jungkook were up early, watching the last episode of their favorite anime, Tokyo Ghoul, and not only were they upset and happy at the same time, but they were frustrated and wanted to watch it again.

"Nani the fuck!?" Jungkook retorted as he covered Yuna's ears and then looked at her with a pout, "Yuna... Kaneki and Touka had a baby... and that's IT!!?" He screeched, "I mean yeah okay they got married in the end but that's literally IT!?"

Yuna sighed, "I wish they could do another season or a spin-off to it but knowing Sui Ishida, it'd be too long and it wouldn't make sense." She frowned with a sigh.

"LIKE..." Jungkook was being loud again, and he tried to tone down noticing it, but he couldn't contain how upset he was. "Yuna." Holding onto her shoulders and shaking her as she spoke, "Arima literally committed suicide and kept his head in his ass for too long, and he fucking KNOWS that Kaneki really didn't want to kill him, let alone hurt a single fly... and he fucking decides to END HIMSELF just like THAT and he expects us to be okay??" He blabbered about, then covered his mouth as he realized what he's said.

Yuna gave him a disappointed look, "Mom would be upset if she were home but you're lucky she's at work. If she heard you, she'd kill you." Yuna sneered.

"Sorry bubu, but Arima pisses me off..." he sighed, "and don't tell mom or go saying bad stuff at school in a few months like me or you'll be in big trouble." Jungkook warned and then kissed her forehead and hugged her, still upset at the ending of the show.

"I won't, don't worry Googie." She smiled, hugging Jungkook's arm that was holding her.

"You know, I sometimes forget that you're only 10, yet you act mature for you age, whereas I'm practically a 5 year old stuck in a 19 year olds body." Jungkook remarked, "and since when did you start calling me 'Googie'? It's cute and all, but it sounds weird... don't ya think?"

Yuna shook her head, "You're me but 10 times worse." Folding her arms, "One, you're the biggest weeb I know. And Two, it suits you because you have a baby face!" Pinching her older brothers cheeks tightly with her small hands.

Jungkook groaned and furrowed his brows, wincing at how hard his little sister pinched his cheeks. "Yuna-yah!! That hurts!" Frowning, his cheeks all sore and red from what he likes to call, his little sisters 'pinchers', and that's exactly what her hands were.

He rubbed his face and sighed, "I might have the face of a baby but as many say, this jawline can slice a rock in half." He chuckled.

"Really? Let me see!" Yuna smiled and ran her finger along his jawline, "Yah, this things dull! You could've at least lied better." Mocking her brother.

Scoffing in disbelief and pettiness, Jungkook felt betrayed, "You could've acted like it cut you or something and lied in my place." He huffed, "Our cousins little sister is better than you at that."
He laughed.

"No!" Yuna whined, "I thought you said I was the best little sister in the whole wide world!" Pouting.

Jungkook pinched her nose and patted her cheeks, then pinching them lightly and pulling them playfully, "Aigoo~ I was only kidding, look at this little baby bear getting all upset." Jungkook cooed, scrunching his nose.

Yuna made a little 'hmph' and pushed Jungkook's hands away, then rubbing her own cheeks. "That hurt..."

"Oh, so now you know how it feels? Except for me it was twice as worse." Clicking his tongue.

Jungkook smiled at how cute and pouty Yuna was being and cuddled her as he scrolled through a bunch of different shows to see which ones sparked their interest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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