oh no

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just a heads up annabeth pretended to be a Cinderella with the mist on Clara, Dave and Cinderella so she wasn't actually family with them but feels like she is. 

Annabeth/rose POV - 

When we were flashed back to camp all of the dragons pounced on me, but that is when percy jumped in being the seaweed brain he is thought i was in trouble and pulled riptide out ( i dont know its greek name) in pen form. 

"get off of my wise girl" oh shit he is going to hurt them i cant let that happen and everyone from regal joke oops i mean academy is glaring at him with there wands out with hawk at the front along with the teachers and Adriana 

"seaweed brain come down i use to know them really well remember" he calmed down a little bit for him to put the pen away put still had a protective stance over me until they got off 

"oh look who we have here the cinderella brat" said the girl who got me kicked out of regal academy in the first place great "what do you want now because i was never actually a cinderella im daughter of Athena and you would be wise to respect that and not CHALLENGE me ok" " challenge you i could take you on any day " she is getting over confident "ok children come down if you feel that way we can have a competition to see who is better you pick your top students and i will pick mine" chiron stated with a proud gleam in his eyes at me and percy already knowing we would win

"were in choose your challenges" snow white said glaring at me '' ok we choose smarts, fighting and dragon taming plus swimming competition" ok well were gonna win all of them except dragon taming well i might be able to win that one i mean i did train the dragon king 

"ok we choose Astoria, hawk, and joy" sleeping beauty said " ok well we choose annabeth and percy and two people for fighting make it a duo" ok well now were defiantly going to win now 

for the first round will be smarts second swimming, third dragon taming and then last fighting.

'' Ok Wisegirl your up for this challenge your gonna crush them "

" Come on Astoria your the smartest person we know plus i think everyone is smarter than that over excited what ever she is " i heard my ex saying to Astoria and it made me a bit mad that they think there smarter than me i always just made it seem that way 

well there gonna find out how smart i really am 

thank you to all of my beautiful readers and a special shout out to PokemonGirl195 who made me want to continue writing and i was gonna stop writing  this story but thanks to you it helped me and gave inspiration to continue 

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