seeing each other again

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just a heads up that that most of the story will be in annabeths pov unless i say so  

annabeth/rose POV -

When i looked over to my seaweed brain i saw him furious at the people on the hill and he had riptide out, ready to defend the camp at any risk.

" percy, annabeth calm down there friends and they need somewhere to stay for a little while and the dragons wont hurt us so you dont need to worry or kill them" chiron came up to us and said this to everyone but mainly at me and percy. Percy looked like he was gonna murder all of them gripping riptide in pen form and i properly looked like i was gonna pass out.

'' Her name isn't annabeth she is my grand daughter rose" shit i silently cursed i forgot to tell cindie that i wasn't actually her grand daughter after all these years i kept in contact with her but making it seem like i was at private school not at a demi god camp. But luckily i didn't have to say anything because we all got sent to Olympus.

astoria POV - 

That really cheery Cinderella is gone and now she is back and here no less and with a really hot guy next to her who is well built but not like to over like body builders but who always swims with raven black hair and is tall and tanned like he is always at the beach and his eyes, are like the ocean is in them constantly moving and never stopping, why is she next to him at all. That's all that went through my head when i felt like we were moving and we i look were on this beautiful place with 13 people looking at us an annabeth and that guy is in front of a girl and guy who look exactly lie eachother

Joy POV - 

I missed rose but i kept that to myself and only Travis felt the same way along with the dragons and all the other creatures 

Travis POV - 

YES rose is back but who is she with?

Hawk POV - 

it is her?

Andriana POV - 

NOOO she is back all my work better not be for nothing

Annabeth POV - 

when we were flashed to Olympus me and percy went to our parents and sat down when my mum started speaking "what is the meaning of this she is not your granddaughter you idiot she is my daughter"

"oh yea and who exactly are you" oh no "im Athena goddess of wisdom battle strategy and you stupid mortals better have some respect for me and if you hurt my children or percy here i will kill you" over the couple of weeks she has strongly started liking percy now all of the gods like him even zeus an she good also see hawk giving seaweed brain a glare

this is going to be fun

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