Things are Happening

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*Dylan's POV*

Today I get out of the hospital. I am so glad that's happening, I don't like the smell of a hospital.
Angelina is picking me up along with Bryan is coming

I hope when I get home Johnnie will be maybe in his room so I could just go on and sneak up passed him

My hospital room door opens. Angelina and Bryan walks in

I give them each a hug

"how are you Bryan?" I ask as we walk down the hall

"well I just finished interviewing Blood On The Dance Floor" he says

I love that band "cool" I say

We get in the car and head for home
"where's Johnnie?" I ask

"with Damon and Cyr" Bryan says

I nodded

"but I think there all at home" Bryan added

I'm gonna go try and sneak passed Johnnie. But that will be hard since there probably in the living room.

We pull up in the driveway and walk up to the house. They have me go first and once I walk in I see Damon, Cyr and Johnnie

Once I spot them they all look at me. My eyes are locked with Johnnie's

"Hey!" Damon pulls me into a hug

I hug Damon and Cyr "aren't you gonna hug Johnnie?" Cyr ask

They don't know that me and Johnnie stop dating and stop being friends

"yea" I say quietly

I turn to Johnnie and I slowly wrap my arms around him and he slowly wraps his arms around my waist

My heart aches. I don't even know why
We pull away. I feel like crying. Oh my gosh I'm going to cry

"I'm just gonna go to my room for a bit" I say and walk quickly upstairs. I shut my door and sit on my bed

I silently cry. There's a knock at my door

"hold on!" I say

My door opens anyways and Damon walks in shutting my door and sitting next to me.

"why are you crying?" he ask

"no reason" I try to wipe them away but they keep falling

"did something happen?" he ask

"nothing happened" I lied

"I'm one of your best friends you can tell me" he knows I'm lying

"me and Johnnie broke up. We're not even friends" I cry

"why?" he ask

I tell him everything

"Dylan if you kill yourself you will be loved you might not know that but you will" he says

"who would I be loved by?" I ask

"your family, me, Angelina, Bryan, Cyr, Jason, Leda, Kate, there is so much more but who would love you the most would be Johnnie. He loves you a lot" Damon says

"Johnnie would not love me again" I say

"yes he he still does. He might not say it but you can see it he really does love you" he says "I could go ask him if he still loves you if you want?" he ask

"no don't. I kinda don't want to be dating him. Maybe friends? But that might come around some time just not soon" I say

"it takes a while to make friends with someone you broke up with" Damon says

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ