Believing You

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*Angelina's POV*

His face was all wet

"we're you crying?" I ask

"i guess" he wipes his face

"are you alright" I ask

"yea just had a dream. Is Dylan dead?" he ask

"no. Was your dream a night mare?" I ask

He nodded

He probably had a dream about Dylan dying

*Johnnie's POV*

I woke up well Angelina woke me up. It was just a dream, she isn't dead. Thank god! But that dream seemed so real like it really happened

"Johnnie the nurse said we can go see her now" Bryan said

We all stood up and walked down the hall. I followed Bryan and Angelina cause I had no idea where I was going

We stop at a door. Angelina opens the door and I walk in behind Bryan and her. Once we get in there is a nurse standing beside hers bed writing some things down on a clipboard

"hi do you know what happened to Dylan?" Bryan ask

"she seemed to had a panic attack cause to many things were running though hers mind" the nurse said

"we'll I have to go see another person please be quiet we don't want her to have another panic attack" the nurse walks out

I look up at dylan hers eyes are closed. She's pale still the bruises on hers face and arms just like my dream but she's alive. I go to hold hers hand it's freezing cold. Hers lips are kinda blue

"do you think she had a panic attack cause of me yelling at her?" Angelina ask

"we wouldn't know until she wakes" Bryan says

"why would she even hurt herself and Mira? That was just stupid who does that? Does she want attention or something?" Angelina ask

"like I said we won't know tell she wakes up" Bryan says again

"but what of she lies. She keeps telling me that Mira is being mean and stuff like that but that is impossible Mira wouldn't hurt a fly" Angelina says

A minuet has passed and the only sound in the room is the heart monitor

I hear Dylan cough. I look up and she is awake

"Dylan" I say

She lays hers head on hers pillow

"Dylan why did you hurt yourself and Mira she didn't deser-

"not now Angelina" I stand up letting go of Dylan's cold hand

"need to know why she did it!" she yells

"don't yell when she is in this state. Just get out let her have some time" I say

"your right I'm sorry" she turns and walks for the door. Bryan follows he shuts the door behind himself

I sit back down on the chair next to the bed and hold onto hers freezing hand

"I'm sorry. For causing all this drama" she says slowly and lightly

"no don't be sorry" I say "it wasn't your fault"

"you don't believe me" she sits up

"Believe what?" I ask

"you don't believe me when I say what Mira is really doing" she says

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