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*Dylan's POV*

-it's been 45 days-

Johnnie is coming home some time today to get his stuff to stay with his parents until he finds his own place. I haven't really talk to Johnnie witch is making me really sad. But Cole on the other hand keeps coming over everyday bothering me. He hurts me I have bruises on my face and I keep telling Angelina I keep tripping on the stairs and her being the best friend she is keeps wondering and asking me whats really going on and I have to keep lying to her

"Cole please stop!" I cry

He pulls me up from the floor by my hair. "shut the fuck up!" he hits me in the face "stop crying!" he pushes me down to my floor again

*Johnnie's POV*

Me and Johnnie pull up to the house finally back from warped tour. Once we get out things out the taxi leaves

"where's Angelina?" I ask

"she's hanging out with some friends" he says as he opens the house door

I can't believe me and Dylan broke up I thought we were going so well. But I guess she couldn't handle me being gone for a little bit. Me and bryan leaves our things near the door and walk though the house.

I need to get my things cause I'm moving out

"what's that noise?" Bryan ask snapping me out if my thoughts

"what noise?" I ask

"shh listen" he says

We do. We listen to the noise Bryan is talking about

"it sounds like yelling and crying" I says

"Dylan is still here right?" Bryan ask

"I think so" I say

Me and Bryan look at each other. We both made our way upstairs. He gets to hers door first and knocks

"Dylan!" Bryan ask

"who's there?!" sounds like a man

"Bryan and Johnnie" Bryan says

"help!" I hear a small whimper
"ouch!" you could hear Dylan cry out in pain

"open the door" I say

"I can't it's lock" he says
"open the door!" Bryan yells

"no!" the man yells

"help me! Please! He going to kill me" Dylan yells again

"back up" Bryan tells me

I do as told and back up against the wall. Bryan walks back and runs into the door. he does this until it breaks the sides and swings open

There is a tall man beating on Dylan. Bryan walks up and pulls him off of her. She is laying on the floor crying, she has many bruises on hers face and arms.

I go to her and pull her onto my lap
"Dylan" I say

I kinda want to cry. I feel really bad for hers bad luck and that I really miss her

"I miss you" she says

"I miss you to" I say

Soon the cops come and take that guy away. So Dylan is sitting in the ambulance getting fixed without going to the doctor. Me and Bryan are waiting patently leaning against the garage door for Dylan to come back out

"who was that guy?" Bryan ask me

"I don't know" I say

Soon like a hour later Dylan comes out with the help of a person walking her up to us

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang