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*Dylan's POV*

I'm trying to get Johnnie out of the room until I finished getting clothes on but he wouldn't listen he's sitting on the edge of the bed right next to my clothes and he's looking at me

"Johnnie please get out" I ask again

"nah I'm good" he giggles

"jooooohhhhhnnnnnniiiiiiieeeeeee" I groan

"just get changed" he said

"not in front of you"

I stare into his eyes and he stares back not moving. He crooks his head and smiles

"ugh fine" I can't help but giggle

I drop my towel onto the floor and get dress in front of him. Once I finished I crossed my arms and looked at him

"what?" he had a smirk

"you watched me" I say I try to hold back a laugh

"so what?" he ask

"so what yourself" I say but I laugh at the end. I have no idea why I'm laughing

I go sit on his lap with legs in between my legs cause there on the sides of him. And I hug him by my arms over his shoulders and my forehead on his

"your so pretty. Your body you know that?" he says

"we'll I guess I know now" I say

His hands go under my shirt and he unsnaps my bra

"Johnnie later. Put it back" I say

He giggles and snaps them back together

"thanks you" I smile

"thanks you?" he ask

"my god Johnnie. Thank you" I say

"your welcome" he smile back

My hands play with the back of his hair

"are you messing my hair up? It takes a long time to do" he says

"oh come on your hair you just probably need to to brush it out real fast and then push that one part kinda to the side" I say

"we'll a little bit with hairspray" he says

"you out hairspray in? But it's so soft" I mess it up

"it's special hairspray" he says

Ugh these glasses are bugging me. I take my glasses off and set them on the bed then I look back to Johnnie

"whoa!" he says

"what?" I ask

"I just forgot what you look like without the glasses"

"is it a good or bad look?"

"you look good both ways but I can see your eyes a bit better" he stares into my eyes

"there so blue" he said

"are you noticing this now" I giggle

"we'll no I just forgot what you look like without glasses" he says
He slowly kissed me on the lips. This kiss wasn't quick it was gentle and slow he pulled away looking me back into my eyes
"what if we were still friends and not dating?" he ask

"we would probably be bothering each other like we do now" I smile

There was a knock at the door I got off his lap and sat next to him and put my glasses on

"come in!" Johnnie said

The door opened and Mia walk in

"what are you doing here?" I ask coldly

Johnnie looks back to me and I shrugged. He stands up and gives her a friendly hug

"hey Dylan" she looks to me and smiles

Johnnie looks to me and Mira gives me a evil glare but when he looks back to her she smiles again

"I'm gonna. Uh go clean my room" I say

"clean your room? You never do that" Johnnie ask

"we'll I think I'm gonna go clean it now" I kissed johnnies cheek and walk passed Mira and go to my place and to my room

I sit on my floor and start picking stuff up but yet I'm not really picking it up I'm just playing with everything I find

Soon my room looks clean mostly because I pushed my clothes in front of my bed against my wall and pushed the other stuff under my bed

I get up and stretch cause I was sitting on my floor for a while. I walk back to johnnies place and to his room. I open the door and see Johnnie and Mira kissing

My heart falls from my chest to the bottom of my belly

"Johnnie" I say sadly usually when I say his name there is happy evident but not now

Johnnie pulls away quickly and pushes her off a inch

"Dylan its not what you think" he says

"really I just didn't walk in on Mira kissing my boyfriend witch was you?" I could feel the tears coming

"what do you mean by 'Was'" he ask and took a step closer to me

I took a step back

"Mira I fucking hate you more then I already do!" I yell

She crosses hers arms and smirk

"get that fucking smirk off your ugly fake face!" I yell

She doesn't stop

"blue what do you mean by 'was'?" he ask me again

I look to Johnnie "don't call me blue you don't deserve to call me that!" I yell again

"please tell me 'was'" he ask once again

"I don't wanna be your girlfriend anymore. I'm done. I don't love you anymore!" I say

"please let me explain" he said

"I'm not going to let you I already saw you. You both have a thing. You at least could've told me you don't love me before I gave you my. Things!" I yell

I turn around and storm out I run into Bryan

"oh Dylan why are you crying?" he ask

"I'm not!" I yelled

I wipe away the tears on my face they were still falling

"yea you are! Did Johnnie do something?" he ask

"I'm fine" I lied

I walk past him

"Dylan!" Johnnie yells for me

I don't listen I keep walking

"Johnnie what did you do?" Bryan ask Johnnie

I don't hear the rest cause I slam there door shut behind me. I run down the hall going down stairs and outside. I walk down the sidewalk. There is no one outside cause it is getting dark already. Good so they can't see me crying

I take my phone out and dial a friends number who doesn't live far.

"hello" he answers

"Damon" I speak thought the phone


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