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Dylan's POV

I pull away from our hug and we sit on the edge of my bed

"so when do you wanna tell Angelina and Bryan" he ask

"not now I just don't want them to make a big deal out of us" I say

He nods

"there probably gonna find out soon" he says

"yea I know let's just see if they can find out for themselves" I say

He hesitantly and slowly kisses my cheek

I turn towards him and smile

"your lip rings are kinda cold" I smile

"we'll yea there metal" he touches them

Interrupting our conversation Angelina and Bryan walk in

"hey you two are back now" I smile

"yep and were about to go hang out with Bryan's sister again we just came back to tell you since neither of you are answering your phones and why aren't you two even answering" she ask

"my phone is at my room and hers is broken" Johnnie says

"why is your phone broke" Bryan ask

"uh fell down the... Stairs. Uh yea fell down the stairs" I lied

"okay" they both said unsure about themselves

"what are you two up to" Angelina squinted hers eyes

Oh you know me and Johnnie are dating now

"nothing" Johnnie lied

"well we're gonna go. Come Angelina" Bryan walked off

"I think there's something going on I'm watching" she slowly shuts my door

I hear the door down stairs shut knowing there gone
"she's on to us" I say

Johnnie nodded

"I still cant believe we're together now" he sets his head on my shoulder

"we'll believe it cause it's not a dream" I say

"oh pinch me" he says

I pinch his arm

"ow not really" he says

I laugh

"not funny" he says

I calm down

"you can laugh forever" he says

He lays his head back down on my shoulder

He intertwined our fingers and places a kiss on the top of my hand
I smile to him even though he can't see it

"your so nice" I lean my head on his

"and you are to" he says

"you can't see but I'm smiling" I say

He giggles

"we'll to let you know I'm smiling also" he says

"wanna do something we can't go outside but we can do something inside"

"I don't know" he says

"I have a Xbox down stairs but I don't play it really" I said

"what games" he ask

"Grand Theft Auto 5"

"ooo let's play that game" he hop up

I followed him down stairs

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz