Here Goes Nothing

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*Dylan's POV*

Didn't me and Johnnie once kiss in the rain under a tree? I think we did. Didn't we ever play this one game called Grand Theft Auto 5 and Johnnie killed me

I run downstairs from my room and jump on Johnnie's lap. He is sitting on the couch

"oft" he made a noise as I landed "you just landed on my part" he says

"sorry sorry" I say

"it's alright. But your knee is still kinda there" he says

"sorry again" I get off of him and sit on the side "so sorry Johnnie" I say for the 3rd time "does it hurt?" I ask

"yea. Actually a lot" he says

"is there anything I could help?" I ask

"no. It will go away soon" he says
After like a minuet "okay what did you need?" he ask

"your feeling better?" I want to make sure

"yea just a bit stinging but I can handle it" he says "what do you need?" he ask

"have we ever had our first kiss in the rain at the park and played a game called Grand Theft Auto 5 before? And the first time we ever uh been sexually active I took a shower at your apartment?" I ask

I look up at him and he looks surprised "yes" he says

"no your lying. This is a dream" I say

"Dylan this isn't a dream. Dylan all that happened. I think you have your memory back" he says

"I think you I do" I smile

He brings me in a hug "this makes our relationship so much better" he says "but I have one question now that you have your memory" he adds on

"yea?" I ask

"how did you loose your memory?" he ask

Oh god. If I tell him he's gonna be disappointed in me. He told me a long reason why I shouldve not killed myself but yet I did it anyways

"Dylan tell me" he says

"I- I can't" I stutter

"why is that?" he ask

"cause your gonna hate me" I look down at my fingers

"I'm not gonna hate you" he says

"I jumped" I say quietly

"you did?" he says calmly but I know he is little mad

I nodded

He gets up and walks for stairs

"Johnnie!" I say and stand up
He doesn't listen he keeps walking away from me "I'm sorry!" I say

He stops and turns to me "You promised me that you wouldn't!" he yelled

"I said I was be sorry!" I yelled back

"you can't be sorry! After you promised me that you wouldn't! You could've died Dylan! You were only thinking about yourself not how it would effect the people who love you! Your so selfish! I don't want to be dating someone like that! I don't even think I like you anymore!" he yells right back at me

"we'll. Okay. I didn't know you thought that" I say. I walk passed him to my own room. I sit on my bed doing nothing

My mum was right. He doesn't love me. Johnnie is also right I am selfish. I don't think of others. Maybe I should do that for now on help others but there isn't going to be a now on. Right now I am gonna be selfish I don't want to think of anyone else what they'll think when I'm gone honestly I don't really care at this point

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu