Ireland Farm

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Dylan's POV

my phone started ringing again
Waking me from my nap but still Johnnie is sleeping

I answered my phone after I reached over and picked it up from the floor

"hello" I whispered trying not to wake Johnnie
I don't want to move cause he arm is around me and I don't want to wake him up

"hey why are you whispering" it was my mum

"cause my friend is sleeping next to me" I whispered

"what" she ask

I should've worded that differently

"uh. My friend is sleeping next to me" I whispered again

"is it a boy or girl" she ask

"guy" I whispered after a second

"what age" she ask

"same age as me"

"are you at his place"

"uh yea"

"why are you two sleeping in the same bed" she ask

"we're not sleeping in the same bed it's a couch"

"okay then why are you sleeping together you two better have not had sex" she said

Ugh I hate that word

"don't say that word and we didn't were only friends" I said

"friends that are boys don't sleep together"

"if we're best friends so it's okay"

"your best friends that is wired to be best friends with a guy"

"mum werent you best friends with step dad" I ask

"yea but-

"there's no difference" I said

"what does this boy look like does he like the same crappy music as you" she ask

"my music taste isn't crappy and remember when Angelina came to hang out and she watched this guy on YouTube" I ask

"oh that EMO guy"

"he isn't EMO he just looks EMO he's Sean looking" I said

"we'll your not gonna date him he looks like a bad person"

"mum you can't judge someone on how they look and he's not a bad person he's really nice of you get to know him he's funny, fun to hang out with and I'm not gonna date him ever cause he's my best friend" I still used my whispering voice

"whatever. I called cause I wanted to tell you me, Lilly and your step dad moved back to Ireland" mum said

Lilly is my step sister she is nothing like me at all
She has blonde hair and brown eyes she loves country music
Since my step dad is also from Ireland but his accent is very light and so is lilly. But since my mum is full on Irish me and her have a heavy Irish accent and she all so dosnt look like me she looks kinda like Lilly I get my red hair and bright Blue eyes from my great grandma were the only ones with the kind of hair and eye in my family

"so you moved back to Ireland" I ask

"yea and I wanted to invite you and Angelina you both can bring a friend and please make that friend girls" she ask

The only reason why she's asking me to bring girls is because when I use to be not be pushed around and stuff I only hanged out with guys I hated the drama hanging out with girls and at that time I didn't know who was Angelina

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora