"I don't think I want your gift," I blushed with a laugh. "I am frightened."

"And so you should be," Gemma said pointing her finger at me. "I can't believe my ball is tonight."

"Are you nervous?" 

"I am meeting my fiance, of course I am nervous!" She exclaimed. "I have to spend the rest of my life with this prince and I don't know how I feel about that. I want to fall in love, not be a royal merger with another kingdom. I don't like feeling used."

"I know," I nodded placing my hand on her shoulder. I knew what it was like to be a business deal, we were only worth money and trade.

"You get to fall in love, though," she said with a teary smile. "You and my brother—"

"We barely know each other, Gemma. I don't know Harry in his entirety," I said to her. "If this palace thing doesn't work out in my favor, I have to go home and my father already has a husband lined up for me. I don't want to go home and be forced to marry a farmer. You think I like living in the farming world? I hate it, more than you can possibly know."

"I can't imagine you as a farmer," she laughed wiping away her tears. "You're too pretty."

"Thank you," I smiled. "But today is not about me! It is all about you, birthday girl!" I said giving her a hug. "We are going to have fun tonight, Gemma! You are going to dance your ball gown off and have feet so sore, you'll have to be confined to this room tomorrow."

"That sounds like a brilliant night," Gemma laughed. "Maybe you and —"

"No," I said in a warning tone. "You keep your dirty mind to yourself, Gemma."

"Well then, have fun," she smiled to me in a genuine answer. "I can't wait to see your dress."

"I can't wait to wear it," I smiled. "It's... different. I love it."

"It better not be better than my dress."

"I'm sure it won't be," I smiled. "No one can look more beautiful than the princess. After all, one cannot be dressed more beautifully than the princess. It's simply a rule, isn't it?" I asked. Gemma nodded smugly. "Then I can't look as good as you."

"You're lying, you're stunning," Gemma gushed. "You look like royalty."

"I'm not, I am the most normal girl you will get. So go and get ready while I do the same."

"I want to get a photograph with you before my brother sees you! Leila, my maid, she takes photos for me all the time. I assigned her to take photos tonight, and I want a few photos for you and me."

"That sounds lovely," I smiled to her. "What time should I come to your room."

"An hour before the ball. Daddy comes to get me fifteen minutes before we have to be there and I am sure Harry will do the same," she smiled. "We are going to be the most beautiful people there."

"Question. How do I act around other royalty?"

"Oh, engage in gossip," she shrugged. "I'll try and help you out if my brother leaves you."

"Thank you," I smiled. "I should probably go and get ready. Happy Birthday, Gemma."

"Thanks, remember, five o'clock, then we go to the dining hall."

"Yes ma'am," I grinned and exited her room. I walked back to my room with a smile on my face. I had a feeling today would be a great day. Maybe even magical.


"Hold still, Ms. Price!" Trish laughed as I sat down on the stool. 

"I can't help it, I want to see the dress in the mirror!" I said running my hands over the fabric of the large dress that was secured to my body. When I first saw the finished dress, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was and still remains the most beautiful thing I have seen.

The Prince (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now