"Are you lost?" she questioned me. 

I shook my head, "No, I'm Annabelle Caster. I'm your new student." The teachers eye lit up in realization, and she nodded slowly. Her eyes scanned me up and down and landed on my hand wrapped around Castiel's. I followed her gaze to my hand, and I released Castiel's hand.

"Yes, well, like most places at this school we don't have a seating chart so take a seat wherever you like. It's nice to see you, Marcus," she said finally acknowledging Castiel. He was still sort of getting used to being called Marcus so he just glanced at her and followed me to the right side of the classroom. We had tables instead of individual seats. That meant we would have to be with other people. '

Great just what we needed.' I thought to myself as I stared across the table to the chairs directly in front of me. 

"So Annabelle, what school did you go to before this school?" asked the teacher. Now looking at her stand up I could finally get a full view of her. She was Japanese and had long black hair that went to her hips. It was wavy and a little messy like she didn't brush it in the morning. She was wearing a white long sleeved T-shirt. Her pants were maroon, and she was very skinny. She looked to be somewhere in her thirties. Her eyes were a dull brown, and her shoes were maroon flats with small bows on the tips.

"I was home schooled for all of my life so this is all very new to me," I explained. 

She actually looked very stunned to hear this and replied, "Wow. That's very interesting. What made you want to come to a public high school for the last two years before you go to college?" 

I was taken aback by her question and knew I had to make up something quickly, "Nothing really I guess. Just that I wanted to try something new. I was very antisocial in homeschooling. I just hope I can get past that." 

My teacher listened intently and then said, "Oh I'm so sorry. I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Ms. Satoshi, most just call me Ms. S." I smiled at her and then the bell rang.

Within moments students started to pile into the classroom. Ms. S gathered a group of papers, and started to pass them out to all the students. 

"This is our daily warm up. I printed it out for you today. No writing the warm up down today." 

A weak chorus of whoops echoed throughout the classroom. At the last minute two girls ran into the classroom laughing very loudly. They were about the same height. One had dark brown hair and the other short blonde hair. They were both very petite. They were wearing practically identical floral dresses. The dresses hugged their waists perfectly. 

Ms. S sighed, like this was a daily routine and said, "You're late again ladies." 

They stopped laughing, and the blonde looked at the clock, "No we're not we have one more minute." 

Ms. S looked at her and practically glared, "You will be if you don't find your seats." They both shrieked slightly and ran over to our table.

Everyone had avoided our table as they walked in, and I was very grateful. Now these too loud mouth prissy girls were running over to us. I could feel Castiel become instantly nervous next to me. I grabbed ahold of his hand under the table and gave him a reassuring squeeze. 

"Why are they approaching us?" he asked me. I shrugged slightly because honestly I did not want to have to explain to them him that they had to sit with us. 

The girls reached our table just in the nick of time. The bell rang, and they started giggling like maniacs. 

"Now, if you will all please do your warm ups," Ms. S returned to her seat and started fooling with papers. The blonde girl looked up from her paper and stared at me. I didn't know what to do, and she wasn't breaking eye contact with me. She then broke out in a huge toothy grin. 

I'll Protect You, Always (Supernatural AU/ Castiel love story )Where stories live. Discover now