Chapter 3

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~Fluttershy's pov~

The next morning I got up fairly earlier than usual. I stretched quietly and turned to angel.

"Isn't it a lovely day outside angel?"

He nodded and I gave him a yummy carrot for his breakfast. When he was done he snuggled up to me gratefully.

"Still, I wonder what was with rainbowdash being like that with applejack."

He gestured towards the door.

I giggled. "And I guess we have to find out!"

I opened the door determined to find out but not too loudly, some of my animals were asleep still.

I tiptoed out the door with angel on my back. Out of no where, a huge gust of wind blew and it started... snowing?

Winter wasn't due for about 2 months! Not being able to see from the blinding wind, I felt somepony push me inside and shut my door. A pink scalf was sat on my neck, made of the finest wool I had ever felt.

"Sorry darling, I just had to keep you from freezing like that."

"Rarity? What are you doing here."

"I have a question for you fluttershy, What were you doing out there??"

I was a bit mad she asked a question with a question, but I didn't show it.

"I was looking for rainbowdash." I answered quietly.

"Me too!" She exclaimed, flicking her mane.

"Oh! Why were you looking for her?"

"I was hoping she could get a handle on this weather!" She stared at me intently. "That is why you where out there, right!?"

"Actually... " I started.

"Peach??? What was I thinking, it clashes with your mane two much!"

She levitated the soft scalf off me and added.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to make another one! See you later fluttershy!"

Her mane blew around crazily as the slow blew inside from the wind. Where was rainbowdash!?

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