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Two Months Later


Sorry about the short chappies.

I’m trying to get to the last chapter really soon, so I can start on the sequal.

<Peter’s POV:>


I’m not attending college anymore.

Its not worth it right now.

Maybe in a few years.

I’m still living off of the money we saved up.

I just stay in my own little world.

Eat when I’m hungry

Sleep when Im tired

Other then that I really just zone off into space.

Thinking about Hannah.

I have this really weird feeling.

Like she’s not even dead.

Like she’s still out there.

I put her costume in the clock tower.

I don’t know why I put it THERE, but I just couldn’t stand looking at it in my closet.

Other than that, I haven’t really moved.

<Hannah’s POV:>

It’s been two months.

My back still hurts like a bitch when I use it too much, but Im stronger then I once was.

I snuck into the apartment and got some clothes, necessities, and my phone.

Peter didn’t really notice the stuff was missing because he was in such a haze.

I saw a newspaper article;

  Spider-Man on his own after Green Goblin strikes city, and Scarlet.

I saw another about two days after that one;

Spider-Man not seen during any crime after the loss of Scarlet.


I set up an alarm for any crimes in the city yesterday, and I just got a hit.

I throw my straightened hair up into a high pony tail, and put on my mask.

“Scarlets back baby”

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