Did you guys really forget what my father said? Shame on you

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Did you really forget what my father said? Shame on you.

<Peters POV:>

I still cannot believe she’s dead. If only I could’ve saved her. Its all my fault. I broke my promise and this, this happens. She’s Dead… and Its all my fault.

Her funeral was yesterday.


She’s dead and it’s all my fucking fault.

All of it.

If I would’ve stopped Harry earlier.

Just thinking about him makes me more mad.

 “Peter. It’s not your fault. Nobody could’ve saved her. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time” Aunt May told me.

Yeah. I had to cover up for her.

I had to get her dead body changed of Scarlets clothes and put on her normal clothes.

I had to say she was doing errunds when The Green Goblin took her as randsom for Spider-Man.

I had to put her Camoflauge Wallet on the ground where I said she was shopping.

Just to keep her secret safe.

The one she took to the grave.


I am never going to forgive myself, and Spider-Man will never make another appearance.



















<Hannah’s POV>

He’s never going to be Spider-Man again?


I’m not dead.

Did you forget what my father said?

“It was my time, but it’s not yours. And it wont be for a very long time”

Ok so maybe I did die, but I’m alive and well-ish now.

I was dead in the wake, but got out of my casket in the middle of the night when nobody was there.

I broke the locks when I got out, so I planted weights instead and put new locks on.

I’m still very injured, but I can still read people’s minds… even from a distance.

I’m hidden away in the clock tower.

When I heal, I will be scarlet again.

I cannot let the people down.

Unlike how Peter is.

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