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Ch. 5 Spider Man


I just sit there, doing nothing on the balcony, when I see Spider Man fly to the scene. The one other cop hold his fire, and watches Spider Man as he covers the Villon with his web, and webs him to the car. He picks up my father’s body, and looks as if he’s actually crying. I hear a scream, and I know my father just died. I scream my heart out screaming “DAD!” And Spider Man looks up to where I am. I lean over the edge of the railing, screaming in agony. My dad, my protector, my god damned father is DEAD!

Spider Man picks up my fathers’ body and lays it in an ambulance. I stopped screaming and now I’m just crying. I feel someone lift me up, and I see its Spider Man.

“Who are you?” I say, crying.

“I’m Spider Man” He says, and opens my window.

“Obviously” I mumble falling asleep, out of energy from screaming and crying, mourning my father.

“I Love You” He says, and places me on my bed.

“Peter?” I barely make out his response, but he leaves.  

When I wake up again, Its 10:00, and my mother is crying by my beadside.

“Mom?” I say.

“Hey Honey, your f-”

“I know, I watched it happen” I say, with no emotion.

“Please Leave” I say, looking into space.

“Ok, Sweetheart” She says, pain evident in her voice.

When she leaves I grab my cell and call Peter

H- Hey

P- Hey, what’s wrong

H- Don’t you dare act like you don’t know.

P- (Shit)

H- We need to talk

P- When

H- Now

P- (Shit)

H- Come Over

P- Be right there

I hang up and lay in my bed, listening to music, when a knock comes from my door.

Yeah... I'm Dating A Spider! (Amazing Spider-Man/Peter Parker)Where stories live. Discover now