Press need to mind their dang buisness

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Ch. 22 Press need to mind their dang business.


I’m gonna do it.

I’m gonna do it

I’m gonna ask Hannah to marry me.





I’m gonna ask her when we graduate college.

Yes, four years, but it will be worth it.

We’ve only been dating for about a year anyways, and 5 years as a couple would be good.

As long as we don’t break up, which I don’t see how we could, I’m going to propose on graduation night.

I think I’m going to get a simple ring, with a slight red tint to it.

Yeah, I’m going to do this.

I’m going to propose to Hannah Maylord after College graduation.

<Hannah’s POV:>

I wake up and see Peter smiling, and kisses my forehead.

“Morning” I say, and climb out of bed, and logging onto my laptop.

I practicly live at Peter’s house, that’s why we figured we might as well get an apartment.

After all, we are 19.

I climb back into bed and we start our search for apartments.

We find one that we like, and is in our budget, and we call the owner of the building, and set up an appointment to see the apartment. Luckily, we can skedual the appointment today, at 3:00.

Its currently 12:45, so me and Peter start to get ready…ish, and Peters alarm goes off.

“We can be done in time” I say, and run to the closet, and toss Peter his get-up, while I get changed into mine in the closet.

Again, I’m done before him, so I laugh at the sight in front of me when I get out of the closet.

“It’s Not Funny!” Peter squeels like a girl.

Peter is attempting to get into his costume, and about 5 minutes later, he finally gets it on.

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