Graduation and First Times

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Ch.   18 Graduation and first times

(Let Me Go)


<Peter’s POV:>         



Cannot be late

Cannot miss Hannah’s speech.

Cannot miss Graduating

Cannot upset Aunt May

Gotta catch the bad guys.

I dive off OSCORP and see a guy standing in the middle of the road, picking up his papers and obviously not seeing the speeding car filled with deadly compounds in it.

I web too him and pull him out of the way, just as the car speeds by.

“Hey, Man are you ok?” I say, webbing all his blueprints and pulling them to me.

“Y-yeah. Your, your Spider-Man” He says.

“Yeah, I am, Max” I say, looking at his name tag.

“You know my name?” He says, his face brightening up.

“Name Tag Man” I say, handing him his blue prints.

“Oh. I knew someone like you wouldn’t know the name of someone as unimportant as me” He says, frowning.

“No! No man! I need you! I need you out here, keeping things safe when I’m not around!” I say, feeling sorry for the dude.

“really?” He says, brightening up again.

“Yea, now how about you go get to work, ok. I gotta go, Max.” I say, webbing off.

“Yeah” I faintly hear him say, as I land on top of the car.

“HEY MAN! UH, IM KINDA ON A TIME CRUNCH HERE SO CAN WE HURRY THIS UP!” I yell, grabbing the wheel and driving into a revine on the side of the road.

The guys in the back open fire, but get shot by cops. The doors are still open when the driver, drives off.

The chemicals go flying and I struggle to grab them all





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