Remember me, Hannah Maylord

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Ch. 10 Remember Me, Hannah Maylord



“GODDAMNIT!” I yell, throwing everything around in my room. The clean room Hannah helped me clean 3 months ago. Schools ended today, and Hannah got all A’s, but since we are only Juniors (now Seniors) there wasn’t a ceremony.

I look at a picture of me and Hannah, and I just start crying all over again.

I run out of the house and go to the rooftop where we had our second official date. I remember our Picnic and all the fun we had. Will she ever remember?

A Crash of thunder and lightning knocks me out of my trance. It starts pouring, and my tears are covered by rain.

I hear sirens and see cop cars chasing a street car.

The cops can handle this one

The rain lasts for about an hour, and I decide I’ll visit Hannah again. I swing to the hospital, and land by her window, expecting to see my sleeping beauty, but see her awake and reading my note. I fall off the window in shock and run to the front doors. I get to her room in record time, and her head snaps up when I walk in.

<Hannah’s POV>

“Whats your name?” I ask, and see his face fall when I ask it. Oh no, I hurt his feelings. Dammit!

“You don’t know my name?” He asks. I deside to cover my question up by saying:

“I know your name, I just want to make sure you know your name” I say, and he smiles.

“Peter, Parker” He says, and a nurse walks in.

“Your awake!” The nurse says.

“Uh… I guess?” I say.

“Hannah we have to do some regular checks- do you want Peter in here or do you want him to leave. You lost about 2 years worth of memories, and anything could trigger it returning, so just keep that in mind.” The Doctor says, looking at Peter, who is looking at me expectantly.

“Yeah, sure.” I say, and signal him to sit in the chair directly next to my bed.

“So, what are the regular checks?” I ask, as Peter sits down.

“Blood, Eyes, Pulse, Blood Pressure, Ears, and we’re also going to do a MRI.” The doctor says.

“Well OK then” I say, as they draw blood. Peter must know I HATE needles, because he grabs my hand, and gives a reassuring smile.


“Thanks,” I say, and feel the wrap thing go around my arm, and pressure.

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