Jeepney Love Story

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~Nico's POV~

I once said that there is no forever right? Well, I now believe in it and it just feels amazing! Though in a relationship, I know that both of us have our own ups and downs and getting through them all will be one big achievement together! But why is it that a lot of couples are separating nowadays?

~End of Nico's POV~

Nico looked around and sighed, she is the only one standing by the sidewalk. In the usual mornings, there will be abundant couples being all sweet around her, even at this time and it feels unusual to her that she is all alone today.

'I do wonder why..' Nico sighed and then after a few more moments, she then saw a girl with wavy, long, brown hair stopping her tracks and standing beside her.

'I remember her..' Nico added in her thoughts when she continued to secretly observe the female even further who then began to sigh deeply while looking down.

'Hmm?' Nico raised an eyebrow, she is now a bit hesitant to approach her, back in those days, Nico would see her with her boyfriend and she was always laughing and smiling but now.. It is different.

'Nothing's gonna hurt in trying right?' Nico sighed and slightly got closer to the female then began speaking, "You look down, girl. I always see you around here while wearing a smile."

The female looked at her, immediately changing her mood into a fake, smiling one, "A-Ahh, really? I do, too! In all honesty, I think I always see you around here too."

"Well, where's that man you're always with?" Nico then asked.

"Ahh.. Well.." The female's smile dropped and looked away slightly, "He's gone. I broke up with him just a few days ago."

'Oh damn, shouldn't have asked the obvious.' Nico blinked, "I-I see. Sorry for asking that."

"He cheated on me, you see." The female continued.

Nico just listened, "Cheated huh?" She then looked at the road in front of her.

"Most men these days are pretty much not that contented with what they have and will always look for someone or something that makes them feel satisfied enough. In all honesty, I couldn't get their logic. It doesn't make sense." Nico stated, and it is true.

"I know right.." The female chuckled, "What's your name? And thank you for cheering me up. I feel a lot better now that someone listened for a bit."

"I'm Nico Yazawa. Just call me Nico." Nico smiled at her.

"Ah! Nico! From the Rise n' Shine!? I'm working in there too! As a new employee that is! It is pleased to meet you, I'm Rea Sellian, an office staff." Rea bowed and Nico's eyes widened a bit, "Hooh! Pleasure's all mine, Rea!"

Jeepney Love Story (NicoMaki)(AU) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now