With You

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Nico was in her room, sitting on a chair while facing a desk with a diary in front of her, she was writing on it with a smile on her face, with her slightly moist dark hair and freshly new clothes.

'So after that incident, we started hanging out like we became really close friends! Hurts I know, but whatever! I'm so happy when I'm with her! Everything feels so right! Still remembered how Maki started taking me home when we first met though, she was really romantic. She likes to read, likes to be sweet and she always brings me flowers with chocolates! Sometimes they would be stuffed toys and I'm just so happy with just that! I can't believe that this is happening!'

'I know of what I said before is really ironic to what I'm saying right now since it is just not me. But, I loved this feeling, now I know what those two dorks were feeling to each other every time they are with each other. I never knew that it would be so right and so good~'

'We were hanging out many times now, I wonder how many weeks has it been? Three? Or more like it has been a month? Oh well, it doesn't matter! As long as I get to be with her .'

The ravennette then closed the diary and then stood up, with a slight whisper to herself,"Alright, let's go." She then went towards her door and the opened it.

'Another date, here I come!' She thought with excitement as she closed the door behind her.


And as Nico reached the place where the two of them met.

"Ah, Nico!" Maki waved at the raven-haired who waved back as she reached the redhead,"Hey! Did I make you wait?"

The redhead shook her head,"Not really, so are you ready? Did you forget anything?" "I'm good!" Nico replied,"Well, let's go then!" The redhead then held her hand and squeezed it lightly before she gently led the way, Nico blushed slightly and then followed.

'W-Wait, I didn't expect this! Holding hands?!' Her mind and heart shouted with pure joy as she looked at their intertwined fingers. She then looked up at the redhead and smiled gently,"Where are we going?"

"Well we are going to the theater first and then we will go somewhere to eat, then we will go to the mall perhaps if that's what you want." Maki replied as she also released a loving smile and looked at her,"Do you want somewhere else to go? If there is then better tell me."

"The amusement park!" Nico grinned and the redhead's eyes softened,"The amusement park it is!"


~Maki's POV~

I'm probably the most happiest girl in the world right now, Nico definitely is getting to like the places we go! And plus, she told me that she loved my company the most! Big points for me to get her heart! Too bad for her other suitors if ever she has some because this girl is mine!

We did watch a romantic movie at the theater and ate at the restaurant where she loved to go, after that, we went to the mall and I bought her some things, she was cute when she was so embarrassed and trying to deny the things I bought for her. We did a little strolling before we went to the amusement park and we had ridden almost every ride there is!

We never noticed the time and the next thing we knew it was that it was getting pretty late, so we just laughed it out and went home together, as usual, we went in the jeepney. It was always like this and I never get tired of it.

~End of Maki's POV~

They were still in the jeepney, obviously exhausted basing on their fluttering eyes that were threatening to close, but Maki fought the drowsiness off and flinched a bit when Nico's head landed on her shoulder, the redhead then looked at her and blinked before she smiled.

'It's okay right?'

And then she gently wrapped an arm around the raven-haired's waist.

'Forgive me for doing this Nico.. But let me just feel you like this..' She thought and then gently planted a kiss on her head.

A/N: Heeyy guys! Hope you liked this new chapter! Votes and comments are always appreciated!


Jeepney Love Story (NicoMaki)(AU) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now