Meeting Her Again!?

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'I couldn't believe that I'd get to meet her! Even just once aahhhhhhhh!!! This is a disaster! What should I do?! Is this really my karma?! Ahhhhhhh!!!!'

Nico was in her office and was doing her paperwork so eagerly and her co-workers were observing her for some time now with great curiosity, why, it is the first time they'd get to see Nico this workaholic today. Not that, she was lazy in the past but this is the first time that Nico gets to finish her assigned tasks earlier than the allotted time. After a while, Nico sighed deeply when she sees no paperwork on her desk anymore and leaned back against the head of her swivel chair and stretched her arms up to relax her tensed-up muscles and looked up at the ceiling.

'Jeez... talk about love at first sight... I hope I can meet her again....'

And by thinking that, she felt sharp pain in her heart, losing hope so suddenly that she may not see that redhead again.. 


It was now late afternoon and she went outside of her building again to go home, she stood by the sidewalk where she could get a jeepney on the way home, she was lost in her deep thoughts at the moment, thinking about what happened today.

'Ahhh... I couldn't forget her face... She is so... handsome...' She thought with a sigh as she waited further. And after about 15 minutes, a jeepney with very small amount of passengers stopped by in front of her, virtually asking her if she will hop on or not, the raven-haired looked at it and then quickly went to the open end of the jeepney, hopped on and sat beside a familiar woman with red hair, the jeepney then slowly accelerated making the passengers in it slightly move backwards a bit. The redhead has her hand clinging on the rail of the jeepney which was placed on top of them as a support in case of sudden movement of the vehicle, making her be slightly unaffected of the jeepney's sudden acceleration towards home. The redhead is reading her book just like when Nico sat beside her the first time. The raven-haired, at first, didn't notice the redhead and took a deep breath, she looked at her right side and looked at what's outside the window for a moment before she turned her head to her left, then her eyes widened, her heart palpitated as she saw the only person that she wanted to see....

'Her!' Her mind alarmed her red color crept up to her cheeks as she stared at the redhead who was busy reading her book. 'Oh god!! I never would have thought that I'd get to see her again!! What a coincidence! What a lucky day!!' She thought and her eyes sparkled happily as she continued to stare at the busy redhead. This continued for a few more minutes until the redhead rolled her eyes to her right side and saw Nico staring at her, she blinked and raised an eyebrow, stopping from reading,"Umm.. miss? Is there something on my face?" The redhead asked. Nico blinked and realizes that she was staring at her for too long, making her flinch a bit and blush before looking away,"A-Ahh... n-none, sorry.." The redhead blinked in curiosity and then looked at her book again to continue reading,"I see.." And with that said, silence, once again, ruled between them.

And after that, Nico notices that it is her time to leave the jeepney and her heart felt great disappointment for it, she pouted a bit and then looked at the redhead one last time before she looked at the driver in the driver seat then asked for the driver to stop the jeepney. The vehicle stopped and the raven-haired then hopped down the jeepney, she sighed deeply as she went towards the path to her house. Thinking that negative thought again that she might not see the redhead again...

'I wonder....'


"Ehhhhhhhh?!?! You met someone special in the jeepney!!?" Nozomi exclaimed from the phone and Nico had to pull her phone away from her ear due to its loudness that could break eardrums, after the person from the other side calmed down, she placed the phone on her ear again and spoke,"Yeah, don't be so excited, it is a one-sided one. I doubt that I will get to see her again." "No way, Nicocchi, you did manage to see her twice today right? This is destiny!!"

Nico took a deep breath, maybe... she thought. Oh how she wished that it is... Sadly, she just met her in the jeepney with no assurance if she would get to see her all the time. "Nicocchi! I'm pretty sure that you will get to see her again!" Wait, is she a psychic or what? Nico thought in surprise and sighed again before replying,"Look, we are not sure about that." "I know." Nozomi stubbornly said. The raven-haired just pouted and she could feel her heart still fluttering as she remembered that redhead's strict-looking yet calm face. 'Ahhhh, she looked so sexy while wearing that kind of expression..' and Nico couldn't help but smile while a sudden heat flowed her own body and a sharp twitch could be felt from that part between her legs that she had to close her legs tightly, making her squat a bit with a blush.

'Wait what was I thinking?!' She thought. And because of this that she never get to hear what Nozomi said.

"Nicocchi? Nicocchi!!" Nozomi called out and the raven-haired blinked a few times before coming back to reality. She replied,"Y-Yes?"

"Oooooohh! I see you are thinking about her in an erotic way! Admit it!" Nozomi said and the raven-haired hmped,"Shut up! I'm not!" "Admit it! Don't worry, I was like that to Elicchi when I first fell in love with her. That's natural!" "Shut up!!" "Anyway Nicocchi! I have to go now, I still have to prepare our dinner, see you!" And then Nico could hear Nozomi hung up before she let out a small breath, she then flopped down on her bed and cuddled with her jaguar plushie, she stared up at the ceiling and Maki's face appeared on it making her blush. She softened her eyes in drowsiness and closed them slowly.

'God... I'm aroused..'

And then she fell asleep....

~The next morning~

Same routine and same place. Nico stood by the sidewalk where she usually waits for the jeepney towards work with the lovers around her. But she was too focused in her own thoughts that she didn't get to be bitter today. Why not? She experienced being in love and it was the most wonderful feeling she could have ever felt. After a few moments, a jeepney stopped in front of her and the other lovers, then she and the other passengers hopped in. The raven-haired's eyes widened when she get to see the same redhead and sat down beside her. 

'Oh god! I met her again?! This is too much coincidence!' She thought and looked down with a blush before she slowly looked up at the redhead who was reading again.

'She is so handsome that I wanted to kiss her lips and touch her face...' She thought.

'I wonder what her name is...'

A/N: Hey guys! How's it going?! So sorry that the update was late! But here is the new chapter! Enjoy reading!~

Jeepney Love Story (NicoMaki)(AU) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now