Chapter 15: Hot Cocoa

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~*Jade's P.O.V*~ 

I sat down on the couch with a plop in between Aurora and Evan with a cup of hot cocoa in my hands. There was no way I was letting him get to Aurora. I knew she was going to start giving him the eye soon. I shiver at the thought. 

Aurora gave me a slight look, like I was a stranger that just sat next to her in a room full of empty seats. Yeah, I did this on purpose. My girl was a hunter and last time I checked, Evan had a girlfriend and I didn't know what his status was when it came to girls in other states... Or country, but there was no way I was going to let him pull moves on girls. Much less let Aurora do so.

Any way, the TV was on and we were watching a random kids show of two superheros, one as a Ladybug and the other as a Cat. I was lost in the show when I felt a buzz from underneath me. 

I dug into the couch and felt a buzzing phone. I dug it out and recognized it as Auroras. The callers name was "Aphons (The Boss)". I squinted at the phone like that was going to help me understand who it was but, it didn't, and a thought occurred. The name Aphons sounded familiar but the "The Boss" thing must have been something suggestive. No one at the Hotel was name Aphons so as far as I knew, he was a boyfriend. 

I decided to leave it alone and nudged Aurora whom, surprisingly, didn't notice the buzzing in my hand yet. She hummed quietly as she looked to me. She looked tired and focused.

I handed her the phone and she immediately took it as soon as she saw the Caller ID. She got up and answered the call. "Hey Aph!" She yelled over phone a little louder than I think she meant to. A cringed expression made it's way to her face. She proceeded to the other room, phone plastered to her ear.

I took the remote and turned the sound down. The scene depicted a colorful villain that looked like it got it's colors from a failed knock off kids cereal commercial from the 80's and it was not needed at the moment. I turned to Evan who looked slightly confused. Or angry that I turned the volume down on this "great" show.

After a little of piecing together what I wanted to say to him, I stood up, looked at him firmly and spoke. 

"We need to talk." 

Evans eyebrows raised and he sat up a bit more to listen to what I needed to say.

"What the hell Evan?!" I yelled, his shoulders tensed, giving me a sign that I had scared him. "This morning you asked about Jade. Where did you get that? Why do you know my n-" I stopped myself self from saying 'my name' and took a deep breath.  "Why do you know about her?" I felt anger bubbling within me, I swear to god if I find out that Ally had something to do with this...

We had had quiet moments before this one. Ones where Aurora wasn't here, but I couldn't find the right words. I was paranoid all day after we came home with her. It was like every two seconds I heard his voice chime with the strange question. I finally had enough of the slow decay of my brain and decided to pick at him to get the answer. 

"Uhm, what?" He asked, his tone almost amused. I glared at him.

Like that would do any good, I'm wearing a mask and doubt he could guess how big the frown was on my face was. "I'm going to throw a rock at you. Tell me where you got that name." I said, no bullshit slipping in my voice. 

"I call your bluff." He said, looking to me like he won. I pulled a rock from my pocket. I always have a smooth green jade in my pocket. It was given to me by my father a few years back in the form of a necklace but it broke, so I held onto the jade instead with the intent to fix it. Never got around to it.

"You shouldn't." I told him, dragging my hand back before he yelled and covered his head with his arm in an "X" form. 

"Tell me where you found out about m-her!" I yelled correcting myself self when I almost said "me". As silly as it may seem, I still don't think he knows it's me. I just have a feeling and runs deep and it's the only reason I haven't told him. I'm nervous and I really don't want him to know right now. It's too early in the book- I mean... in our relationship to reveal. And I only say that because I know I'm going to have to tell him.

I can't let him know until I can trust him and he can trust me. That's pretty weird to admit when I'm basically betraying his trust constantly, but it may be the only thing that saves our friendship.

He just sat there, still covering himself. 

"Evan... I need to know." I lowered my hand and sat next to him. "Jade was my sister, but she passed away along with my parents." I lied. This story just came to mind and I don't know when I got so good at acting and lying but it may just be my undying resent for telling him the truth. Although what I'm saying is a lie, it isn't entirely wrong.

A part of me did died the day my parents crashed and I changed a lot as a person. I always thought that I was mature enough that if one day my parents died, I would be able to handle it. That I wouldn't change much and even maybe my sister would be the one to change, to take care of us.   

I was wrong. My sister was a mess but didn't change. She paraded around with that information. She didn't mean it in an offensive way, god knows she just wanted to push that sorrow on anyone else but herself but I could tell she enjoyed the attention. My guess is, it wasn't all for the attention, though. I on the other hand, couldn't bring myself to talk about it. Accept for my best friend and but she never spoke out on the matter either. That didn't matter though, my sisters blabbing mouth got around and soon the whole school knew... no, the whole town knew. 

I always thought that I would be the one to tell every one but I didn't, and when they all knew, that's when I realized why. Because the attention I craved wasn't the attention I received. Some pinned me as a psycho for not saying anything, very few thought I was strong and most just pitied me like I was a helpless child. Did I ever mention I HATE being patronized? Their looks, glances and long stares scared me. I became paranoid and once while shopping seven people stopped and watched me. I screamed for them to stop, for them to go away, but they didn't. So I did.

That break down was the cause for a lot of things later on to happen, but we don't need to get into that now. 

Evan sat up straight again and looked at me. I kept my head down, fiddling with the gem in my hand but I felt his eyes bore into my like I was a painting that made no sense. I didn't cry this time, just thought that I was right in a way but it didn't change the lie. I thought that maybe, when I told him the truth about me he would understand but I knew that would be too much to ask for.

"Well, she was beautiful." He said and got up. I watched him walk to the kitchen with his cup in hand. 

"Wait, Evan." I told him to stop. "I'm sorry." I looked at him in the eyes. 

"It's kinda hard to tell if you really are with that mask on." He said and turned back around.

That.... hurt.


Hello everybody, and welcome back to "Just A Voice." I finished this chapter on 11/8/2018 but It will be longer until I upload it. 

So, when you read this, I hope you enjoy. I've probably finished the next few chapters so be excited to see them coming your way. Sorry it took so long. Alright, cool. I have a 250 word essay to write on muscle fibers. Love ya!! 

<2020 me, I got an A on that essay and it's 3/23/2020, just fucking wack.>


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