Chapter 2: The meeting

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So, I don't know if I can make these chapters really a consistent length because they might be longer on weekends and stuff so yeah


Delirious's P.O.V

"Ok guys, I know I said this wasn't going to happen, but we have to dispatch from each other." I say slouching on my bed looking down at my brothers. Ally was leaning in the door way, again.

"What do you mean!? Why do we need to go?!" Owen yells seeming worried

I close my eyes and take a breath "I can't pay the rent any more, and you just turned 18 so you can live on your own."

"Yeah that's Owen but what am I supposed to do?" Blake asked confused and agitated.

"You can live with Ally and her husband." I say looking up to her and giving one of those oh-yeah-why-don't-you-live-with-someone-else kinda looks. Never understood what kept them from sealing it off with a house? She was 1 year older than me and even so, I was willed the 65% of our parents money due to the agreement that I would take care of my brothers until they were both out of high school. Even though Ally could have really use it, I had to look after my brothers. Along with Ally, I also missed out on collage. That being said, I was fine with it though. I got to spend time with them and I got to take care of them like I always wanted.

"Don't give me that look! We're looking for a house! This is your fault not mine!" Ally says as if she was actually offended.

I rolled my eyes "Shut up, I know, I don't need to be reminded. Listen we'll figure this out tomorrow but for now let's just... go to bed. It's getting dark any way." I say looking down, questions and worries swimming in my mind.

Owen and Blake get up from the floor and walk out, honestly Blake is only 15 and doesn't have an of an idea where to go. I'm not ok with my decision and if I had gotten paid a little sooner, I would have paid off the rent, I just don't have the money to spare right now. I have my sister and brothers to buy food for I don't think I can do everything at once.

My sister got married when she turned 21 though her and her husband didn't have enough money to buy a house on their own, and my brothers were too young to move out, so I was the one to take care of them since our parents died when Blake was very young. I turned 21 this month before Owen turned 19, so I'm free to do what ever... besides the fact that I now have to maintain my YouTube channel and pay for wifi and electricity the house, phones and food... I take it back I don't have much time to do what I want to, but I am a computer junkie so maybe I could do something with that.

It was later in the night when Evan's name popped up on my phone with a bus and the pop of the sound effect.

(E=Evan J=Jade)

E: Hey what happened with your land lord?

J: Nothing, why?

E: Delirious your using punctuation. What happened?

J: I'm an adult, I'm supposed to use punctuation. Nothing. Happened.

E: I know something did just tell me

J: No

E: Yes

J: No

E: DELIRIOUS! Tell me now

J: ok fine.

J: I'm getting evicted because I can't pay rent. Ya happy now?

E: What! Why I thought you just got paid!

J: I did I had to pay for wifi, phones, and food, we ran out really fast.

E: We? Wait Delirious do you live with your girlfriend?


E: Ok, I'm sorry you didn't have to yell.

J: Oops I had caps lock on. Sorry.

E: Wait why can't your parents take your brothers?

J: ...

E: OMG Delirious I'm so sorry I didn't know!

J: It's ok don't worry I never told you, there was no way of you knowing.

E: I didn't even know you had brothers and a sister. Is that who you yelled at before you left.

J: Yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do...

E: I could fly out and help!

J: oh would you look at the time, I have to go. Bye!

E: DELIRIOUS! You can't fight it I'm going to fly out and help you!

(Back to Delirious)

I turned off my phone and threw my blankets over me, how could I ever tell Evan that I'm a girl named Jade and not a guy name Johnathan?


Alright chapter two was fun... omg that took me awhile lol hope you guys enjoyed! Cheaper 3 will come out tomorrow.

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