Chapter 8 What!

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Don't play media..

Time skip a 5 years..

Lucy POV..

I was walking to the guild happy and cheerfully like I usually do. Gray-Nii and Erza-Nee often leave early so I would go to the guild later on. Time passed by fast. it's been 5 years since my first birthday here at the guild. In that time Mira and Erza became S-Class wizards. Every time it was someones birthday it became a tradition that we would do a performance.

Me, Natsu and Lisanna officially became a team. Of course we could never leave out Happy. We still went on jobs mostly for Happy and Natsu, but we still got some of our pay. I bust open the door.

"Ohayo Minna!" I yell out full of joy as usual.

"Ohayo!" The guild said in response. I look around the guild to try to find Lisanna or Natsu. Sadly I couldn't. I went over to my best bookworm friend, Levy. No surprise she was reading a book.

"Hey Lev have you seen Lis-Chan or Natsu anywhere?" I ask her.

"No sorry Lu-Chan. I think they may have went to the park." I thanked her and went straight to the park.

At Mognolia Park..

Natsu and Happy were having an argument. I went to them laughing.

"Natsu what are you arguing about?" I ask.

"Natsu says he won't get me any fish." Happy says in a whiny tone.

"Natsu how are you going to get a wife if your going to act like that." Said a white haired mage.

"Lisanna!" Both me and Natsu say at the same time.

"Want to go on a job?" I ask her eagerly.

"Sorry Lu-Chan. Me and my siblings are going on our first S-Class job together." I felt a little sad. But I knew Lisanna needed the experience. I just felt bad for Natsu; he hadn't went on an S-Class job before.

"Lisanna let's get going." Mirajane yelled out.

"Hey why can't I come?" Natsu whined.

"No way. It's just going to be me Mira-Nee and Lis." Elfman said. Mirajane's attitude had rubbed of on Elfman. Though he hates Natsu more then Erza-Nee. Mirajane has this weird thing where she thinks Natsu is cute when he cries or whines.

"At least before you go can I make a promise." Lisanna giggled when I said that. We would always keep promises to each other.

"Just one before I go."

"Promise me when we become an S-Class we will all go on a job together. And promise me to come home." I say holding out my hand.

"I promise." She said as she shook my hand.

"Come on." Elfman said annoyed

"You two better behave when I get back. Keep an eye on each other ok." Lisanna says as she hugs me. I felt sad. Most of the S-Class jobs could take weeks. Though it took so long it was well the worth of money.

"Your not our mom Lisanna. If anything I am more older than you." Natsu said. I then whacked the back of his head. Lis and Happy just laughed.

"But we are still family. See you in a few weeks." She then bid her final fairwell.

"Come on Natsu lets go to the guild." I convince Natsu and Happy.

They nodded in agreement. For the rest of the day all I did was it around either talking to Levy about the newest book or reading it. I didn't feel like going on a job and thankfully Natsu understood that. Gray-Nii and Erza-Nee were to get back from an S-Class job. I didn't want to have leave Natsu if Lisanna were to go on an S-Class job. Mirajane had planned about going on her very first one with all her siblings ever since she became an S-Class mage. I had went on one a year ago when Erza-Nee became S-Class.

Lucy,Gray and Erza are siblings (discontinued) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora