Chapter 7 Virgo!

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Third Person POV..

A week has passed since Lucy's birthday, the guild is its rowdy self. Lucy entered the guild to see Cana and Levy playing a game. Erza had immediately went to get herself cake. Gray was caught in a figh with Natsu while Lucy and Lisanna went to the request board.

Since Lucy's birthday, she and Lisanna have been called the Twin Lights of Fairy Tail being that they will make your day happy no matter what. They often go on jobs with Natsu as a team.

Today they decided to go on a job because Natsu and Happy needed the money. Being the youngest in their family Lucy and Lisanna's siblings go on jobs for their money while the latter goes on jobs often for the experience and the money will go to their comrade.

Looking up towards the request board, Lucy was wondering which job to choose. One in particular caught her eye.

Please help.

Shirotsume Town.

Destroy a book. Details will be given later on.

Prize: 200,000 J.

Mr. Kaby.

Warning perverted man wanting a blonde haired maid. Please assist.

In Natsu's eye of course it seems that it wouldn't be such a bad job but Lucy and Lisanna just face palmed. They knew trying to explain to Natsu why this is such a bad idea would be a waste of time so they just got it approved and went of.

Once they had reached the address that was written on the request, they were greeted by a gentleman in his early 30's and a lady of the same age.

"So Mr.Kaby could you please tell us more about this book." Lucy said taking a sip of her tea. Oh how she enjoyed a good cup of tea.

"All I wish is that you destroy a book called Daybreak. You may destroy it any way you like." Mr.Kaby said with a stern tone.

"May we ask why you ask to destroy the book considering the pay is worth 200,00 J." Lisanna said.

"I see you youngsters have not been told about the changes. Well the price is actual 2,000,000 J." The trio's jaws dropped. Just to destroy a simple book. After getting the information they needed they headed towards the mansion of the perverted bimbo( Not Taurus) .

They had to cook up some sort of plan. By they I mean Lucy and Lisanna. Natsu and Happy kept guard. Their main idea was to pretending to work as a maid. But the soon realised that would be a fail. They eventually agreed to go stealth mode.

The went to the roof thanks to Happy. Natsu melted a hole in one of the windows.

"Ok now we have to keep low profiles." Lisanna said looking around the area.

"Oh the master would not be happy to see intruders." Said an ugly maid as she jumped in front of the trio. Soon a few more came. Lisanna and Lucy were disgusted to see the maids. Just as they were about to fight Natsu had already blown them.

"Ninja." Natsu said his fingers in the shape of a gun. Happy did the same.

"Where would this man put a book?" They ran around the mansion until Natsu smelt old books and ink. The second they enter the huge library, they started to find the book.

"For a perverted old geezer this guy really does like books." Lisanna said checking the higher shelves with Happy as Lucy checked with a ladder and Natsu was on the lower shelves.

"Guys I think I found it." Natsu yelled out waving the book 'Daybreak' in the air."Ok lets burn it." As she touched the ground, Lucy grabbed the book from Natsu and as she was inspecting it she found out who the author was.

Lucy,Gray and Erza are siblings (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now