Chapter 5 Lets fight.

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At the guild..

Lucy POV..

I enter the rowdy guild. Nothing seemed out of place so I walk over towards Lisanna who was drinking a mango smoothie.

"Ohayo Lis-Chan." I say taking a seat next to her.

"Ohayo, Lucy. Do you think we should go on another job?"

"Well I really don't want to go on a job especially when I know Natsu is going to destroy another city, maybe some other time sorry." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey Luce you promised a fight." Natsu yelled out. I choked on my drink. I had completely forgot about our deal.

"What are you talking about Flame Brain.?" Gray-Nii says looking very angry.

"We had a deal Gray-Nii. If he shut up I would fight him." I say standing up from my seat. "Meet me outside."

Lisanna POV..

I felt so bad for Lucy. Sure Lu-Chan isn't the most weakest of people but Natsu is a very strong fighter I mean he destroyed half a town yesterday.

Third person POV..

Natsu and Lucy went outside the guild. The rest of the guild came to watch.

"I only have one simple request Natsu." Lucy says. For an odd reason she was holding a cup.

"Ya what is that?" Natsu says with a dumb look on his face.

"Allow me to bring this cup of water into the fight."

"Sure thing."

Whispers of curiosity was heard all around. Not many people have seen Lucy use her magic except het siblings.

"Now I want a clean fight both of you. And good luck." Erza says winking to her sister.

"Begin!" She announced.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu yelled out.

"Gate of the Water Bearer I open thee. Aquarius!" Lucy exclaimed dipping a golden key in the glass of water.

Natsu's attack was drenched. Many had shocked faces but Natsu looked extremely angry. When Aquarius was summoned she had an awful look on her face. Before Aquarius could scold Lucy, Natsu launched an attack.

"Fire Dragon Claw!"

"Water Wall!" Aquarius yells out. "Don't you dare summon me for a month got it."

"Yes Ma'am." Lucy says as she salutes the celestial spirit.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

At this Aquarius completely drowns everything in water including Lucy and the spectators. At this point both Lucy and Natsu are on the ground much to tired to fight.

"It is a tie!" Erza announced.

Lisanna POV..

After I get up from the floor drenched in water thanks to that mermaid, I walk over to Lucy to congratulate her.

"That was amazing Lu-Chan." I say giving her a big hug.

"Thanks sorry if I soaked everyone." Lucy then walks over to Natsu who was on the ground. "That was a great fight Natsu."

"Ya but I lost." Natsu says pouting.

"You don't have to be sad Natsu. Without failure there can never be success. Think of it Natsu, no one can win without trying. Besides it was a tie." Lucy says scruffing Natsu's hair.

Lucy,Gray and Erza are siblings (discontinued) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora