lost | 15

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"So, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked and gave Seokjin a piece of paper.


"No pain in the throat?" The doctor stared at Seokjin as he was writing.


"Pain somewhere else?"

Seokjin tensed up for a second. The only part of his body that was in pain was his heart. But he couldn't tell that to the doctor, right?

No. His love problems were not meant to be told to the doctor.

"Any questions?" The doctor started quickly typing on the computer's keyboard, writing down some information.

When will I get my voice back?

The doctor sighed, looking into Seokjin's eyes, "Maybe in a week, maybe in a month. Or never, it really depends."

Nonsense. Seokjin hurriedly stood up and rushed out of the room.

"Kim Seokjin, wait!" He heard the doctor yell, but he continued running away. He ran out of the hospital, just going where his legs took him.

The hospital was near a forest, so the patients could go there to breath some fresh air. Seokjin ran there with tears in his eyes, not even thinking of contacting his friends to tell them where he went.

Never getting his voice back?

Seokjin wandered in the forest for who knows how long. Thinking about how he could never get his voice back, he didn't notice the sun slowly coming down. It was almost dark, and Seokjin heard his phone ringing.

"Jin hyung! Where are you!? We are searching for you everywhere!" Seokjin heard Hoseok's worried voice from the phone. He ended the call and opened the messenger.


im in the forest near the hospital

Hyung what??
were coming


Seokjin decided it was a good idea to try to find a way out of this dark, scary forest. But where could he go? He couldn't remember where he came from.


Seokjin went to the left, hoping his members would still find him. He was scared and cold. Every rustle coming from a bush made him even more scared for his dear life.

What if someone was going to kidnap him? Or kill him? Or something even worse?

"Hyung!" Seokjin looked back and saw his best friends running towards him.

"Why did you go here?! Do you know what could happen?!" Namjoon started to complain loudly, making Seokjin look down in embarrassment.

He, the oldest just ran off in the forest like a small kid, not even informing his members. He was really embarrassed and everyone noticed that.

"It's okay hyung, let's just go home." Hoseok wrapped his hands around Jin's cold body and dragged him towards their car.

"I'm sorry hyung. We were just really worried." Namjoon whispered to the older as they sat down in the car. Seokjin nodded weakly and closed his eyes. His head slowly started falling down on Hoseok's shoulder as he fell asleep, tired from all the running in the forest.

Hoseok and the other boys lovingly stared at their oldest hyung the whole ride home.

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